Get assessment advice
If you're having difficulties with your assessment or need advice, there are a number of support services available. In the first instance, talk to your unit convenor. They may have useful advice regarding your academic approach.
If you have almost passed
If you come very close to passing a unit and meet the other eligibility criteria, you may be granted a Conceded Pass for that unit.
If you have passed all of your units except one and meet the other eligibility criteria, you may be able to apply for a Supplementary Assessment (Last to Complete).
If you need help making a case to the university, the SSAA can provide independent advocacy services in certain circumstances.
If you think your mark is inaccurate
If you think you've been marked incorrectly, you can request a recheck of your mark.
If you're unwell or have special circumstances
If you're unwell at the time of your exam or assessment, or have special circumstances, you may be able to:
- apply for an extension,
- apply for special consideration, or
- make alternative assessment arrangements (check which adjustment applies to your situation).
If you're unwell leading up to or on the day of your exam, you may be able to apply for special consideration if eligible, but it is for serious cases that meet specific conditions.
What to do if you need help
If you're 'at risk' or been asked to 'show cause' after an academic progress review, you should talk to a student success adviser. They can help you get your study back on track.
Study support
If you're having difficulty with your study, there are several support options available to you.
Student Success Advisers
Learning and Academic Skills Centre
Need to request a document?
Keep on exploring
Understanding your academic results
Reviews and appeals
Academic integrity
Academic progress and reviews
Need help?
If you have any questions about life at Swinburne, or if you need a helping hand, the friendly team at Library and studentHQ is there for you whenever you need them.