Learning and Academic Skills (LAS)
Get help with your assignments and build your study skills with support from the Learning and Academic Skills team.
The Learning and Academic Skills (LAS) team supports Swinburne students to be confident, autonomous and empowered learners.
Discover how LAS advisors can support your learning and academic journey through:
Find us on Canvas
You can find information about every Learning and Academic Skills activity on Canvas, including self-paced modules and workshops. Log in now to find more information about our programs. Plus, you'll receive alerts about new workshops and changes to our timetables.
Get individual study support
Make an appointment
You can book an appointment to meet a LAS advisor on campus or online.
Appointments are available Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm, and last for 30 minutes.
You'll need your SIMS login and password to complete your booking.
Drop in for individual study support
You can get individual help with your assignments at drop-in advice sessions – on campus or online.
On campus
Learning Hub, level 3 Hawthorn Library
- Monday 11am – 3pm
- Tuesday to Friday 11am – 5pm
- Tuesday 2pm – 5pm
- Thursday 10am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm
- Friday 2pm – 5pm
Online via Teams
- Tuesday to Friday 3pm – 5pm
Take your study to the next level
Discover how you can build skills and strategies to support your time at uni and beyond through these LAS-powered online modules and groups.
Study Smarter online modules
Develop your study skills with this series of self-paced modules in Canvas. Tackle them in any order; each module takes approximately one hour.
This program is an ideal way for students, new and old students, to learn about study skills that set you up for success.
Academic Language Resources
Discover extensive resources in Canvas to further develop your academic writing and speaking skills. Resources include:
- Videos and activities for you to do
- Quick tip guides and templates
- Study checklists
Support for students with English as an additional language
English conversation group
- Wednesdays, 12.30pm–1.30pm (during semester only)
- Hawthorn Library, Penang room LB311
Join other students from non-English speaking backgrounds to:
- Practise your spoken English language skills
- Increase your confidence
- Improve your vocabulary and pronunciation
- Practice your listening skills
- Learn about Australian culture and customs
The English conversation group is also a great way to make new friends! It's free to join and you don't need to book.
Grammar Review Program
This free, self-paced online program allows you to review and assess your grammar skills. Modules cover:
- Verbs
- Determiners
- Prepositions
- Sentences
Contact Frédérique Robert at frobert@swinburne.edu.au to enrol.
Foundation Mathematics, Statistics, Physics and Chemistry help
You can book an appointment with an advisor to help improve your understanding of maths, as well as basic stats, physics and chemistry.
Contact the Learning and Academic Skills team
Need to chat? You can find advisors at each of our Melbourne campuses. You can also send the team an email at las@swinburne.edu.au.
Hawthorn campus: George (GS) Building, Level 1 (ground floor), TD345
Croydon campus: Room CB221
Wantirna campus: Room WD257
Get in touch
You can contact the Learning and Academic Skills team to find out how we can support your studies – send us an email to las@swinburne.edu.au.