Making light work in microscopy
Professor Tony Wilson
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford.
Monday, 19th February 2007, 3.30PM, Lecture Theatre EN101 - Ground Floor of EN (Engineering) Building, Hawthorn.
The confocal microscope is now an instrument in widespread use in laboratories
around the world. It is probably fair to say that its popularity and importance
is due to its unique optical sectioning or depth discrimination property,
which gives rise to the instrument’s unique volume imaging capability. The
key elements of a traditional confocal microscope system are a laser light
source (required since standard microscope illuminators are insufficiently
bright), a pinhole point detector together with an appropriate scanning
mechanism. It could be argued, in some cases, that the traditional approach
has some drawbacks, for example, the use of laser illumination may be
thought to be undesirable (limited wavelengths, expense etc.) as may
the lack of real-time image acquisition. In order to overcome these limitations
and produce light-efficient real-time confocal instruments we have developed
two distinct new approaches. In the first we retain the confocal principle of
using pinholes to prevent out-of-focus light from contributing to the image
and use aperture correlation techniques to eliminate cross-talk between closely
packed parallel confocal systems. The second approach discards the traditional
confocal principle and uses a fringe projection technique based on spatial
heterodyning to obtain optically sectioned images from a conventional widefield
microscope. This use of structured illumination allows us to obtain both
optically sectioned and conventional images from a standard conventional
microscope with a minimal modification to its illumination system.
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