Do things look different the last time you checked our website out? We have been working very hard to ensure our new site not only looks great — but it performs great, too. This means we have built a site that all can use, enjoy, and navigate.  

WCAG 2.0 Level A standards provide guidelines to ensure people with disabilities including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and combinations of these can still use the website.  

There are three levels of conformance to achieve the Level A criteria:  

  • A (lowest)
  • AA 
  • AAA (highest).

At Swinburne University of Technology, we aim for AA. 

Accessible design elements

Our website incorporates the following accessible design elements:


Fonts and text sizes on this site were selected to optimise readability for visitors with visual impairments on all devices. Text content is compatible with most screen readers. 

You can also use your browser’s zoom function to increase the text size. 

Colours and contrast 

Colours used on this site maintain contrast ratios consistent with WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirements. 

You can use some browsers to adjust the contrast and colours to suit your viewing preferences. Visit Media Access Australia for information about how to adjust browser settings. 


All non-decorative images and graphics contain a descriptive “alt” attribute (alt text). 


Tables are used to display tabular data only and are not used for design or page layout. 


The HTML structure of the website is consistent with WCAG 2.0 Level A requirements and makes use of HTML accessibility tags where appropriate. 

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 

This site uses cascading style sheets to apply visual design elements. Inline styles are not used for the purposes of design. 

Form labels 

All form elements include label tags where possible. Where a label tag cannot be included, a title tag or a legend element is used to describe the form element. 

Responsive design 

This site is designed to be compatible with multiple devices. The view resizes automatically to suit tablets and mobile screens. 

Accessible navigation 

The website incorporates the following accessible navigation elements. 


Breadcrumb links are included on the site to highlight your path back to the parent section/page from the page you are on. 


You can use our search form found on every page to find content. 


This website includes meaningful heading hierarchy that can be navigated through using a screen reader. 


Links are contextual and have been written to provide a clear understanding of where the link will lead you. 

  • Browser and smartphone on the table, with cactus and coffee mug.

    Web accessibility complaints procedure

    The Swinburne website was designed to ensure its information and services are provided in a non-discriminatory accessible manner. All complaints about the accessibility of the Swinburne website will be investigated by the Marketing department and the outcome will be communicated to the complainant.

Want to know more about our accessibility services for students?

At Swinburne, we offer a range of reasonable adjustments to assist in your studies. Discover how our AccessAbility Services can help you achieve your academic goals.

Learn more about accessibility services
Want to make a complaint or provide feedback?

Swinburne University of Technology is committed to providing a positive educational experience. We appreciate and value your feedback.

Complete the complaints and feedback form