Novel Quantum Optics Phenomena and Quantum Entanglement in Nano-Structures
Professor Xue-Hua Wang
School of Physics & Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, People’s Republic of China
Tuesday, 11 December 2007, 2.00pm, EN101, Ground Floor, Engineering Building, Hawthorn.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in novel quantum
optics phenomena of nanostrucres, such as photonic crystals
and nano-metal structures. In this talk, I will firstly introduce a
general theoretical treatment on spontaneous emission of atoms in
photonic crystals (PCs) developed by us, based upon the Green
function method of the evolution operator in which the position-
dependent photon-atom interaction is taken account into. Within this
theoretical framework, we successfully clarified the tremendous
discrepancy between different experiments, and predicted some
novel quantum optics phenomena, such as the non-classical
envelope-damped Rabi oscillation, the giant Lamb shifts, switching
control between the inhibition and enhancement of the atomic SE.
We also generalized the position-dependent photon-atom interaction
into nano-metal structures to develop an unified treatment on
fluorescence and raman scattering processes near metal surfaces.
Then, I will discuss the possible application of photonic crystals to
quantum computation and quantum information and briefly introduce
some important steps, and show distant quantum entanglement in
solid system via photonic band gap effect. This would fairly facilitate
the addressing and scalability of the qubits which are essential for
solid state quantum computers.
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