2012 Publications
Ultracold Quantum Gases,
Ultrafast Spectroscopy,
Applied Optics
Ultracold Quantum Gases
Journal Articles
Frequency evaluation of collimated blue light generated by wave mixing in Rb vapour
Alexander Akulshin, Christopher Perrella, Gar-Wing Truong, Russell McLean and Andre Luiten
Journal of Physics B 45 245503 (2012)
Dynamic spin response of a strongly interacting Fermi gas
S. Hoinka, M. Lingham, M. Delehaye, C. J. Vale
Physical Review Letters 109, 050403 (2012) arXiv:1203.4657
Distinguishing coherent atomic processes using wave mixing
A M Akulshin and R J McLean
Physical Review A 85, 065802 (2012) arXiv:1205.6247
Collimated blue light enhancement in velocity-selective pumped Rb vapour
A M Akulshin, A A Orel and R J McLean
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45 015401 (2012)
Condensed-matter physics: Repulsive polarons found
P. Hannaford
Nature 485, 588-589 (2012)
Journal Articles
Momentum-resolved radio-frequency spectroscopy of a spin-orbit coupled atomic Fermi gas near a
Feshbach resonance in harmonic traps
Shi-Guo Peng, Xia-Ji Liu, Hui Hu and Kaijun Jiang
Physical Review A 86, 063610 (2012)
Validity of single-channel model for a spin-orbit coupled atomic Fermi gas near Feshbach resonances
Jing-Xin Cui, Xia-Ji Liu, Gui Lu Long, and Hui Hu
Physical Review A 86, 053628 (2012)
Radio-frequency spectroscopy of weakly bound molecules in spin-orbit-coupled atomic Fermi gases
Hui Hu, Han Pu, Jing Zhang, Shi-Guo Peng and Xia-Ji Liu
Physical Review A 86, 053627 (2012)
Momentum-resolved radio-frequency spectroscopy of ultracold-atomic
Fermi gases in a spin-orbit coupled lattice
Xia-Ji Liu
Physical Review A 86, 033613 (2012)
Manipulating Majorana fermions in one-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled
atomic Fermi gases
Xia-Ji Liu and P. D. Drummond
Physical Review A. 86, 035602 (2012)
Two-channel-model description of confinement-induced Feshbach molecules
S.-G. Peng, H. Hu, Xia-Ji Liu and K. Jiang
Physical Review A. 86, 033601 (2012)
Topological superfluid in one-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled atomic Fermi gases
Xia-Ji Liu and H. Hu
Physical Review A 85, 033622 (2012)
Entanglement, number fluctuations and optimized interferometric phase measurement
Q. Y. He, T. G. Vaughan, P. D. Drummond and M. D. Reid
New Journal of Physics 14, 093012 (2012)
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement and steering in two-well
Bose-Einstein-condensate ground states
Q. Y. He, P. D. Drummond, M. K. Olsen, and M. D. Reid
Physical Review A 86, 023626 (2012)
Dynamical preparation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement in two-well
Bose-Einstein condensates
B. Opanchuk, Q. Y. He, M. D. Reid, and P. D. Drummond
Physical Review A 86, 023625 (2012)
Quantum noise in three-dimensional BEC interferometry
B. Opanchuk, M. Egorov, S. Hoffmann, A. Sidorov and P. D. Drummond
Europhysics Letters 97, 50003 (2012)
Loan and nonloan flows in the Australian interbank network
Andrey Sokolov, Rachel Webster, Andrew Melatos, Tien Kieu
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 391, 2867-2882 (2012)
Universal dynamic structure factor of a strongly correlated Fermi gas
Hui Hu and Xia-Ji Liu
Phys. Rev. A, 85, 023612(2012) arXiv:1101.1134
Critical temperature of a Rashba spin-orbit coupled Bose gas in harmonic traps
Hui Hu and Xia-Ji Liu
Phys. Rev. A 85, 013619 (2012)
Half-quantum vortex state in a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate
B. Ramachandhran, Bogdan Opanchuk, Xia-Ji Liu, Han Pu, Peter D. Drummond, and Hui Hu
Physical Review A 85, 023606 (2012)
Resonant cascaded down-conversion
Christian Weedbrook, Ben Perrett, Karen V. Kheruntsyan, Peter D. Drummond, Raphael C. Pooser
Physical Review A 85, 033821 (2012)
Probing Majorana fermions in spin-orbit-coupled atomic Fermi gases
Xia-Ji Liu, Lei Jiang, Han Pu, and Hui Hu
Physical Review A 85, 021603(R) (2012)
Spin-orbit coupled weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensates in harmonic traps
Hui Hu, R. Balasubramanian, Han Pu, and Xia-Ji Liu
Physical Review Letters 108, 010402 (2012) arXiv:1108.4233
Entanglement and nonlocality in multi-particle systems
M.D. Reid, Q.Y. He and P.D. Drummond
Frontiers of Physics 7, 72 (2012) arXiv:1112.0378
Many-body theories of density response for a strongly correlated Fermi gas
Hui Hu
Frontiers of Physics 7, 98 (2012)(Invited Review article)
Two mode theory of BEC: Interferometry and the Josephson model
B.J. Dalton and S. Ghanbari
Journal of Modern Optics 59, 287-353 (2012)
Phase space theory of Bose-Einstein condensates and time-dependent modes
B.J. Dalton
Annals of Physics 327, 2432-2490 (2012)
Quantum dynamics in ultra-cold atomic physics
Q.Y. He, M.D. Reid, B. Opanchuk, R. Polkinghorne, Laura E.C. Rosales-Zarate, P.D. Drummond
Frontiers of Physics 7, 16 (2012) arXiv:1112.0380
Within-host demographic fluctuations and correlations in early retroviral infection
T.G. Vaughan, Peter D. Drummond and Alexei J. Drummond
Journal of Theoretical Biology 295, 86 (2012)
Ultrafast Spectroscopy
Book Chapter
ZnO/ZnMgO Quantum Wells
J.A. Davis and C. Jagadish
in GaN and ZnO-based Materials and Devices, ed. S.J. Pearton, (Berlin: Springer-Verlag), ISBN: 9783642235214, p 413-434 (2012).
Journal Articles
Phase-matched generation of highly coherent radiation in water window region
L.V. Dao, C. Hall, H. Vu, K. Dinh, E. Balaur, P. Hannaford and T. Smith
Applied Optics 51, 4240 (2012)
Excited state coherent dynamics in light-harvesting complexes from photosynthetic marine algae
G.H. Richards, K. Wilk, P.M.G. Curmi, H.M. Quiney and J.A. Davis
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45 154015 (2012)
Coherent vibronic coupling in light-harvesting complexes from photosynthetic marine algae
G.H. Richards, K. Wilk, P.M.G. Curmi, H.M. Quiney and J.A. Davis
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3, 272-277 (2012)
The separation of overlapping transitions in β-carotene with broadband 2D electronic spectroscopy
T.R. Calhoun, J.A. Davis, M.W. Graham and G.R. Fleming
Chem. Phys. Lett. 523, 1-5 (2012)
International Conference Proceedings
Generation of coherent radiation in the water window
Dao, L.V.; Vu, H. L.; Dinh, K. B.; Gaffney, N.; Balaur, E.; Hannaford, P.; Smith, T. A.
High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, Berlin, Germany, March 12, 2012
Applied Optics
Journal Articles
Light Enhancement in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering at Oblique Incidence
S. Jayawardhana, L. Rosa, R. Buividas, P.R. Stoddart, and S. Juodkazis
Photonic Sensors 2, 283 (2012)
Active control of silver nanoparticles spacing using dielectrophoresis for surface-enhanced Raman scattering
A.F. Chrimes, K. Khoshmanesh, P.R. Stoddart, A.A. Kayani, A. Mitchell, H. Daima, V. Bansal, K. Kalantar-zadeh
Analytical Chemistry 84, 4029-4035 (2012)
Collection efficiency of scattered light in single-ended optical fiber sensors
S. Jayawardhana, A.P. Mazzolini, P.R. Stoddart
Optics Letters 37 (11), 2142-2144 (2012)
Origins of spectral changes in fiber Bragg gratings due to macrobending
A.C. Thompson, P.J. Cadusch, D.F. Robertson, P.R. Stoddart, S.A. Wade
J. Lightwave Technol.30 (22), 3500-3511 (2012)
Laser fabricated ripple substrates for surface-enhanced Raman scattering
R. Buividas, P.R. Stoddart, and S. Juodkazis
Ann. der Phys.524 (11), L5-L10 (2012)
Influence of electric field on SERS: frequency effects, intensity changes, and susceptible bonds
S.Sriram, M. Bhaskaran, S. Chen, S. Jayawardhana, P.R. Stoddart, J.Z. Liu , N.V. Medhekar, K. Kalantar-zadeh, and A. Mitchell
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 4646-4653 (2012)
Variations of the growth of harmonic reflections in fiber Bragg gratings fabricated using phase masks
M. Rollinson, S.A. Wade, B.P. Kouskousis, D.J. Kitcher, G.W. Baxter and S.F. Collins
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 29(7), 1259-1268 (2012)
Modelling of light absorption in tissue during infrared neural stimulation
A.C. Thompson, S.A. Wade, W.G.A. Brown and P.R. Stoddart
Journal of Biomedical Optics 17, 075002 (2012)
Effect of phase mask alignment on FBG spectra at harmonics of the Bragg wavelength
S.A. Wade, W.G.A. Brown, H.K. Bal, F. Sidiroglou, G.W. Baxter and S.F. Collins
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 29(8), 1597 (2012)
International Conference Proceedings
Synthesis and characterization of amino-functionalized gold-silica core-shell nanoparticles
J. Yong, P.R. Stoddart, S. McArthur, A. Yu, F. Malherbe International Conference on Nanotechnology, Malaysia
30 May – 1 June 2012
Parametric study of laser surface melting in Zinc-Aluminium coatings
R. Mathew, A. Dixon, P.R. Stoddart, D. Nolan, Y. Durandet
15th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies
Australia, 23-26 September 2012
Additional enhancement in surface-enhanced Raman scattering due to excitation geometry
L. Rosa, S. Jayawardhana, S. Juodkazis, P.R. Stoddart
3rd Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference, Sydney 2012
Understanding fiber Bragg gratings at harmonic of the Bragg wavelength through spectra and images
S.F. Collins, S.A. Wade, F. Sidiroglou, and G.W. Baxter
Invited presentation at 22nd Int. Conf. on Optical Fiber Sensors, Beijing, China 2012
SERS sensor based on laser nano-textured surfaces
R. Buividas, N. Fahim, P.R Stoddart, S. Juodkazis
Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, Melbourne, 12-14 December 2012
Modeling of Bend Effects on Fiber Bragg Gratings
P.J. Cadusch, A.C. Thompson, P.R. Stoddart, S.A. Wade
3rd Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference, Sydney, Australia,
Edited by J. Canning and G.-D. Peng. Proc. SPIE Vol. 8351, paper no.835114, 2012
