2011 Publications
Ultracold Quantum Gases,
Ultrafast Spectroscopy,
Applied Optics
Ultracold Quantum Gases
Book Chapter
From magnetic mirrors to atom chips
Andrei Sidorov and Peter Hannaford
In Atom Chips (Eds. J. Reichel and V. Vuletic) Wiley-VCH Chapter 1, pp. 3-31 (2011)
Journal Articles
Density distribution and cloud size of a two-dimensional strongly interacting Fermi gas in harmonic traps
Alexey A. Orel, Paul Dyke, Marion Delahaye, Chris J. Vale, and Hui Hu
New Journal of Physics 13 113032 (2011)
Doppler-free two-photon resonances for atom detection and sum frequency stabilization
A M Akulshin, B V Hall, V Ivannikov, A A Orel and A I Sidorov
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44 215401 (2011)
Long-lived periodic revivals of coherence in an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate
M. Egorov, R.P. Anderson, V. Ivannikov, B. Opanchuk, P. Drummond, B.V. Hall, and A.I. Sidorov
Phys. Rev. A 84, 021605(R) (2011) arXiv:1012.3813
Probing degenerate two-level atomic media by coherent optical heterodyning
A.M. Akulshin, R.J. McLean, A.I. Sidorov and P. Hannaford
Journal of Physics B 44 175502 (2011) arxiv 1106.0573
Studies of the universal contact in a strongly interacting Fermi gas using Bragg spectroscopy
E. D. Kuhnle, S. Hoinka, P. Dyke, H. Hu, P. Hannaford, and C. J. Vale
New Journal of Physics 13 055010 (2011)
Temperature dependence of the universal contact parameter in a unitary Fermi gas
E. D. Kuhnle, S. Hoinka, P. Dyke, H. Hu, P. Hannaford, and C. J. Vale
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 170402 (2011) arxiv 1012.2626
Hydrodynamic Expansion of a Strongly Interacting Fermi-Fermi Mixture
A. Trenkwalder, C. Kohstall, M. Zaccanti, D. Naik, A.I. Sidorov, F. Schreck, and R. Grimm
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 115304 (2011)
Crossover from 2D to 3D in a weakly interacting Fermi gas
P. Dyke, E.D. Kuhnle, S. Whitlock, H. Hu, M. Mark, S. Hoinka, M. Lingham, P. Hannaford, and C.J. Vale
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 105304 (2011)
Refereed International Conference Proceedings
Universal structure of a strongly interacting Fermi gas
Eva Kuhnle, Paul Dyke, Sascha Hoinka, Michael Mark, Hui Hu, Xia-Ji Liu, Peter Drummond, Peter Hannford and Chris Vale
Journal of Physics Conference Series 264, 012013 (2011)
Journal Articles
Rashba spin-orbit coupled atomic Fermi gases
Lei Jiang, Xia-Ji Liu, Hui Hu, and Han Pu
Physical Review A 84, 063618 (2011) arXiv:1110.0805
Unified criteria for multipartite quantum nonlocality
E.G. Cavalcanti, Q.Y. He, M.D. Reid, and H.M. Wiseman
Physical Review A 84, 032115 (2011)
Mean-field analysis of dimensional crossover from two dimensions to three dimensions in a weakly interacting Fermi gas
Hui Hu
Physical Review A 84, 053624 (2011)
Probing anisotropic super uidity in atomic Fermi gases with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
Hui Hu, Lei Jiang, Xia-Ji Liu and Han Pu
Physical Review Letters 107, 195304 (2011)
Non-universal thermodynamics of a strongly interacting inhomogeneous Fermi gas using the quantum virial expansion
Shi-Guo Peng, Xia-Ji Liu, Hui Hu and Shi-Qun Li
Physics Letters A 375, 2979-2984 (2011)
Linear entropy in quantum phase space
Laura E. C. Rosales-Zarate and P.D. Drummond
Phys. Rev. A 84, 042114 (2011)
Confinement-induced resonances in anharmonic waveguides
Shi-Guo Peng, Hui Hu, Xia-Ji Liu and P.D. Drummond
Phys. Rev. A 84, 043619 (2011)
Planar quantum squeezing and atom interferometry
Q.Y. He, Shi-Guo Peng, P.D. Drummond, and M.D. Reid
Phys. Rev. A 84, 022107 (2011)
Comparison between theory and experiment for universal thermodynamics of a
homogeneous, strongly correlated Fermi gas
Hui Hu, Xia-Ji Liu, and P.D. Drummond
Phys. Rev. A 83, 063610 (2011)
Matched slow optical soliton pairs via biexciton coherence in quantum dots
Wen-Xing Yang, Ai-Xi Chen, Ray-Kuang Lee, and Ying Wu
Phys. Rev. A 84, 013835 (2011)
Single impurity in ultracold Fermi superfluids
Lei Jiang, Leslie O. Baksmaty, Hui Hu, Yan Chen and Han Pu
Phys. Rev. A 83, 061604(R) (2011)
High temperature thermodynamics of strongly interacting s-wave and p-wave Fermi gases in a harmonic trap
Shi-Guo Peng, Shi-Qun Li, P. D. Drummond and Xia-Ji Liu
Phys. Rev. A 83, 063618 (2011)
Influence of quantum coherence on propagation of a pulsed light in a triple quantum well
Aixi Chen
Optics Express 19, 11944-11950 (2011)
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement strategies in two-well Bose-Einstein condensates
Q.Y. He, M.D. Reid, T.G. Vaughan, C. Gross, M. Oberthaler and P.D. Drummond
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 120405 (2011)
Entanglement, EPR steering, and Bell-nonlocality criteria for multipartite higher-spin systems
Q.Y. He, P.D. Drummond and M.D. Reid
Phys. Rev. A 83, 032120 (2011)
Josephson effect in an atomic Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superfluid
Hui Hu and Xia-Ji Liu
Phys. Rev. A 83, 013631 (2011)
Universal contact of strongly interacting fermions at finite temperatures
Hui Hu, Xia-Ji Liu, Peter D. Drummond
New J. Phys. 13, 035007 (2011)
Implementation of Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm and determination of value of function via Rydberg blockade
Aixi Chen
Optics Express 19, 2037-2045 (2011)
Decoherence effects in Bose-Einstein condensate interferomety I General Theory
Bryan Dalton
Annals of Physics 326, 668-720 (2011).
Ultrafast Spectroscopy
Book Chapter
Semiconductors and their nanostructures
J.A. Davis and C. Jagadish
In Optical Techniques for Solid State Materials
Characterization ed. R.P. Prasankumar and A.J. Taylor, (Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis), ISBN: 9781439815373 (2011)
Journal Articles
Three-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy of Excitons in Asymmetric Double Quantum Wells
J.A. Davis, C.R. Hall, L.V. Dao, H.M. Quiney, K.A. Nugent, H.H. Tan, C. Jagadish
J. Chem. Phys. 135, 044510 (2011)
Solving structure in the CP29 light harvesting complex with polarization-phased 2D electronic spectroscopy
Naomi S. Ginsberg, Jeffrey A. Davis, Matteo Ballottari, Yuan-Chung Cheng, Roberto Bassic and Graham R. Fleming
PNAS 108 3848-3853 (2011)
Phase-Matched High Harmonic Generation for the Study of Rotational Coherence Molecular Dynamics
Khuong B Dinh, Peter Hannaford and Lap Van Dao
Optics Communications 284, 3607-3611 (2011)
Ultrafast optical multi-dimensional spectroscopy without interferometry
J.A. Davis, T. Calhoun, K.A. Nugent and H.M. Quiney
J. Chem. Phys. 134, 024504 (2011)
Refereed International Conference Proceedings
Vibrationally-mediated dynamics in beta-carotene probed with broadband 2D electronic spectroscopy
Naomi S. Ginsberg, Tessa R. Calhoun, Jeffrey A. Davis, Matthew W. Graham and Graham R. Fleming
Ultrafast Phenomena XVII Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Snowmass,
Colorado, 18-23 July 2010; M. Chergui, D. Jonas, E. Riedle, R. Schoenlein and
A. Taylor (eds.), pp. 568-570
Study of early stage interaction of oxygen with Al: methods, challenges and difficulties
B. Fateh, G.A. Brooks, M.A. Rhamdani, J.A. Taylor, J. Davis, M. Lowe
Light Metals 2011: Proceedings of the TSM 140th Annual Meeting and Exhibition (TSM 2011), San Diego, pp. 725-730
Generation of small band width coherent extreme ultraviolet radiation and its application
L. V. Dao, S. Teichmann, K.B.Dinh, and P. Hannaford
X-ray Laser 2010, Proceedinsg of the 12th International Conference on X-ray Laser, eds. J. Lee, Ch. H. Nam, K.A. Janulewicz, Springer
Proceedings in Physics 136, Springer, Heidelberg, London and New York, pp.215-220 (2011).
Dynamics of carriers and the influence of the quantum confined stark effect in ZnO/ZnMgO quantum wells
C.R. Hall, L.V. Dao, K. Koike, S. Sasa, H.H.Tan, M. Inoue, M. Yano, M., C. Jagadish, J.A. Davis
Ultrafast Phenomena XVII, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference. Eds. M. Chergui, D.M. Jonas, E. Riedle, R.W. Schoenlein, A.J. Taylor.
Oxford University Press, pp. 287-289 (2011)
Coherent effects in carotenoids
J.A. Davis, E. Cannon, L.V.Dao, G. Richards, P. Hannaford, K.A. Nugent, H.M. Quiney
Ultrafast Phenomena XVII, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference. Eds. M. Chergui, D.M. Jonas, E. Riedle, R.W. Schoenlein, A.J. Taylor.
Oxford University Press, pp. 574-576 (2011)
High harmonic generation for study of rotational Raman coherence
L.V. Dao, K.B. Dinh, P. Hannaford
Ultrafast Phenomena XVII, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference. Eds. M. Chergui, D.M. Jonas, E. Riedle, R.W. Schoenlein, A.J. Taylor.
Oxford University Press, pp. 107-109 (2011)
Applied Optics
Journal Articles
Molecular Imaging of Red Blood Cells by Raman Spectroscopy
B.R. Wood, P.R. Stoddart and D. McNaughton
Australian Journal of Chemistry 64, 593-599 (2011)
Changes in spectral properties of fibre Bragg gratings owing to bending
S.A. Wade, D.F. Robertson, A.C Thompson and P.R. Stoddart
Electronics Letters 47, 558-559 (2011)
Re-evaluating the performance of the nonlinear prediction error for the detection of deterministic dynamics
Mathew P. Dafilis, Nicolas Sinclair, Peter J Cadusch and David T.J. Liley
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 240 695-700 (2011)
Temporal stability of regression-based electrooculographic correction coefficients
Trieu T.H. Pham, Rodney J. Croft and Peter J. Cadusch
Psychophysiology 48, 96-101 (2011)
Dielectrophoresis-Raman spectroscopy system for analysing suspended nanoparticles
A. Chrimes, A. Kayani, K. Khoshmanesh, P.R. Stoddart, P. Mulvaney, A. Mitchell, and K. Kalantar-Zadeh
Lab on a Chip 11, 921-928 (2011)
Optical fibre sensor based on oblique angle deposition
S. Jayawardhana, G. Kostovski, A.P. Mazzolini and P. R. Stoddart
Applied Optics 50, 155-162 (2011)
Sub-15 nm optical fibre nanoimprint lithography: a parallel, self-aligning and portable approach
G. Kostovski, U. Chinnasamy, S. Jayawardhana, P.R. Stoddart and A. Mitchell
Advanced Materials 23, 531 (2011)
A test of four EOG correction methods using an improved validation technique
Trieu T.H. Pham, Rodney J. Croft, Peter J. Cadusch and Robert J. Barry
International Journal of Psychophysiology 79, 203-210 (2011)
International Conference Proceedings
Response of some pi-phase-shifted Bragg gratings to elevated pressure
H. K. Bal, N. M. Dragomir, F. Sidiroglou, S. A. Wade, G. W. Baxter and S. F. Collins
21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Proc. SPIE 7753, 775389 (2011)
Comparison of Spectra and Images of Bragg Gratings Written in three Different Optical Fibres
Harpreet K. Bal, Will Brown, Nicoleta M. Dragomir, Scott A. Wade, Fotios Sidiroglou, Greg W. Baxter and Stephen F. Collins
IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim 2011 Proceedings, pp.1745-1747.
Effect of Phase Mask Misalignment on Alternative Type of Pi-Phase-Shifted FBGs at Twice the Bragg Wavelength
Harpreet K. Bal, Will Brown, Scott A. Wade, Fotios Sidiroglou, Nicoleta M. Dragomir, Greg W. Baxter and Stephen F. Collins
IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim 2011 Proceedings, pp.139-141.
Optical fibers and sensors for biomedical applications: Bend effects
S.A. Wade, A.C. Thompson, W.G.A. Brown, D.F. Robertson and P.R. Stoddart
21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Proc. SPIE 7753, 77536E (2011)
