Submissions to government
Swinburne frequently makes submissions to government to shape policy decisions that affect both Swinburne and tertiary education in Australia more generally.
Recent submissions available for download
- Swinburne response to CGS submission, Professor Wellings [PDF, 1.37MB]
Swinburne University of Technology submits a response to the Australian Government's Performance-based funding for the Commonwealth Grant Scheme discussion paper, 15 February 2019.
- Swinburne submission by Prof. Noonan on AQF policies and explanations [PDF 437KB]
Submission by Swinburne University of Technology to attend the Melbourne stakeholder consultation on 11 February 2019. The report released on March 15, 2019.
- Submission to the Regional Education Expert Advisory Group’s framing paper [PDF, 209 KB]
Swinburne University of Technology makes a submission to the Regional Education Expert Advisory Group’s framing paper, released in December 2018 and made available 4 February 2019.
- Swinburne University of Technology’s submission to the Department of Immigration and Border Patrol visa simplification discussion paper [PDF, 55KB]
Swinburne University of Technology’s submission to the Department of Immigration and Border Patrol visa simplification discussion paper, 14 September 2017.
- Inquiry into Higher Education Support Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 [PDF, 421KB]
Swinburne University of Technology's submission to the Senate Inquiry into Higher Education Support Legislation Amendment Bill 2017.
- Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationship with the United Kingdom [PDF, 126KB]
The Swinburne University of Technology submits an inquiry into Australia's trade relationship with the UK, 16 March 2017.
- Working together to shape teacher education in Victoria [PDF, 338KB]
Swinburne University of Technology's response to the Victorian Government's discussion paper Working Together to Shape Teacher Education in Victoria. 8 June 2017.
- Driving Innovation, Fairness and Excellence in Australian Higher Education [PDF 384KB]
Swinburne's submission to the Government's options paper, July 2016
- Victoria’s Future Industries — Transport Technologies [PDF 170KB]
Discussion paper, 4 February 2016
- Victoria’s Future Industries — Professional Services [PDF 490KB]
Discussion paper, 7 October 2015
- Victoria's Future Industries — Construction Technologies [PDF 176KB]
Discussion paper, 25 September 2015
- The future of Australia's video game development industry [PDF 495KB]
Submission to the Senate Standing Committee, 16 September 2015. Authored by Professor Scott Thompson-Whiteside, Executive Dean (Acting), Faculty of Health, Arts and Design.
- Victoria's Future Industries: Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals [PDF, 200KB]
Discussion paper authored by Professor Aleksandar Subic, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Development), 14 September 2015.
- Submission to Review of Research Policy and Funding Arrangements for Higher Education [PDF, 2.7MB]
Swinburne’s submission makes three recommendations to the Australian Government’s Higher Education funding review.
- Submission to Victoria's first creative industries strategy [PDF, 173KB]
Swinburne's submission to the Creative Industries Taskforce, July 2015.
- Submission to the Victorian Government’s VET Funding Review [PDF, 213KB]
Swinburne’s submission makes seven recommendations, covering the areas of quality, innovation and funding sustainability for vocational education and training in Victoria.
- Inquiry into the principles of the Higher Education and Research Reform Bill [PDF, 351KB]
This submission is to the Senate Education and Employment Committee. February 2015.
- Inquiry into the Australian automotive industry [PDF, 109KB]
Australia has the potential to be a nation of engineering and manufacturing excellence.
In a submission to the Senate Economics References Committee, Swinburne state that the closure of Australia's automotive manufacturing industry should be seen as a catalyst to transform and grow this sector into new and prosperous areas. Swinburne supports the government's Industry Growth Centres Initiative to create the policies that will support industry to grow.
- Submission to the Boosting the Commercial Returns of Research discussion [PDF, 288KB]
Swinburne’s submission to the Australian Government’s discussion paper Boosting the Commercial Returns of Research was dedicated to our late Deputy Vice-Chancellor (R&D), Professor George Collins. In the submission, Swinburne argues that the single biggest factor in a university’s success in securing strong commercial outcomes is the culture of innovation created by the university itself.
- Higher Education and Research Reform Amendment Bill [PDF, 101KB]
Swinburne’s opening statement to the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee Inquiry. October 2014.
- Keeping higher education fees in check: the options [PDF, 63KB]
A number of mechanisms have been proposed to moderate likely fee increases from 2016. This resource presents how each of the proposed mechanisms would work and how strongly each would operate to produce downward pressure on prices set by higher education providers following deregulation. October 2014.
- Higher Education and Research Reform Amendment Bill 2014 [PDF, 230KB]
This submission is to the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee. September 2014.
- ARENA Repeal Bill [PDF, 65KB]
This submission is to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee on the proposed Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) Repeal Bill 2014.
- Energy White Paper [PDF, 245KB]
This submission is for the development of the Commonwealth Government's Energy White Paper. February 2014.
- Review of Demand-Driven Funding System Submission [PDF, 2.1MB]
This submission is to the Commonwealth Government's Review of the Demand-Driven Funding System. December 2013.
- Productivity Commission Inquiry into Automotive Industry Submission [PDF, 227KB]
This submission is to the Productivity Commission's inquiry into the Automotive Industry. November 2013.
- Online Higher Education Working Group Submission [PDF, 231KB]
This is a submission to the Coalition's Higher Education Working Group. April 2013.
- Digital White Paper Submission [PDF, 220KB]
This is a joint submission to the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy from Professor Leon Sterling, Dean Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies and President, Australian Council of Deans of ICT. January 2013.

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