Message from the VC: Sustainability and climate action
In Summary
- A message from Swinburne Vice-Chancellor, Professor Linda Kristjanson AO, on sustainability and climate action
I have learned that there will be climate action events on Friday 29 November, as part of the ongoing global campaign on climate change.
My statement from September 2019 stands as an ongoing message of support for you, our students and staff, to take action on matters of importance.
Students, if you decide to attend this or future climate actions, we will work with you to ensure your education is not adversely affected. For our staff, our flexible working arrangements support you to have your voice heard while meeting operational requirements.
Sustainability update
As you are aware, one of our core values is a commitment to sustainability.
Swinburne has signed up to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, joined the global Green Impact program and undertaken focused energy conservation initiatives.
We continue to thoughtfully consider ways in which we can accelerate our efforts, goals and actions.
We are updating our Responsible Investment Charter and Vice President (Operations) and Chief Financial Officer, Nancy Collins, is ensuring our procurement protocols accelerate our progress and demonstrate leadership for sustainability.
I have asked our outgoing Vice President (Strategy and Innovation), Richard Bolt, to take on a new role helping to create a sustainability roadmap for the university, making optimum use of our research and education talent and capability. This work will be completed over the next three months and will inform our future planning.
Senior staff and I meet regularly with concerned students and staff to share learnings and discuss actions and in December, Council will consider ways in which we can accelerate our efforts, goals and actions.
I look forward to continuing the conversation about sustainability with you in 2020.