Services for teachers
Enrich your course content, get expert advice and develop your student’s research skills.
Course resources
Find library resources to enhance your teaching with TV, video, audio, DVDs and more.
Open educational resources
Access free, openly licensed educational resources to enhance your students’ learning experience.
Readings Service
Learn about the Readings Service. It is a library service that makes readings and resources available to your students via the Readings Tab in Canvas. This will allow you to create and manage dynamic reading lists that connect students directly to Library and other resources.
Liaison librarians
Find a liaison librarian to provide support and specialist advice on your research, teaching and more.
Copyright for teaching
The simplest way to make journal articles, book chapters, images and audio-visual material available to your students is to use Swinburne Library resources.
Contact your liaison librarian if you need help with your search or advice on teaching materials.
If the resources you want to use are not available through the library, more information about copyright is available on the Copyright wiki (login required) or you can use the copyright for teaching tool (login required) to find information specific to the media type you want to make available to your students.
For more information about copyright, contact the Swinburne Copyright Office at copyright@swinburne.edu.au.
Need more information?
Ask us a question or leave us feedback by emailing library@swinburne.edu.au or calling 1300 794 628. Alternatively, complete this form so our team members can get in touch with you.