
This unit examines the mechanical and physiological mechanisms associated with muscular strength, power and endurance. Students will become proficient at the safe assessment and instruction of these components of fitness through a practically focused unit for the improvement of health and sports performance across the lifespan.

Teaching periods
Start and end dates
Last self-enrolment date
Census date
Last withdraw without fail date
Results released date

Learning outcomes

Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:

  • Conduct appropriate pre-assessment procedures including explaining the test, obtaining informed consent, medical history, and performing a pre-exercise risk assessment appropriate to resistance exercise
  • Demonstrate proficiency in safely instructing and providing feedback in a range of exercises to develop muscular strength, power and endurance and explain the underlying mechanisms responsible for the muscular changes
  • Use pre-exercise assessment data to inform the development of an appropriate resistance exercise program tailored to the specific needs of the individual across the lifespan to develop health, fitness or performance benefits in apparently healthy individuals
  • Analyse movement during prescribed exercises and identify which muscles are active in producing and controlling movement of a particular joint

Teaching methods


Type Hours per week Number of weeks Total (number of hours)
Face to Face Contact (Phasing out)
1.00 12 weeks 12
Face to Face Contact (Phasing out)
3.00 12 weeks 36
Specified Learning Activities (Phasing out)
4.00 12 weeks 48
Unspecified Learning Activities (Phasing out)
Independent Learning
4.50 12 weeks 54


Type Task Weighting ULO's
AssessmentIndividual 70% 1,2,4 
AssignmentIndividual 30% 3,4 


  • Scientific principles of strength and conditioning
  • Application of functional anatomy and movement analysis to resistance exercise
  • Assessment and interpretation of muscular strength testing
  • Muscular strength, muscular power, muscular endurance
  • Single and multi-joint resistance training exercise
  • Design of resistance training programs for performance and health across the lifespan
  • Legal, ethical and safety codes

Study resources

Reading materials

A list of reading materials and/or required textbooks will be available in the Unit Outline on Canvas.