Business and Society
This unit challenges students to identify and evaluate major socio-economic issues, the role of various stakeholders, and the potential for business solutions that can drive sustainable development and innovation. A major focus is on gaining a critical appreciation of stakeholder theory, and understanding how this theory frames integrative thinking, across disciplines. It will also cover two important areas that stakeholder theory has helped to shape and define: business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
AVA10001 The Global Aviation SystemMGT10009 Contemporary Management Principles
SIP10001 Creating Social Change: From Innovation to Impact
MME30001 Engineering Management 1
AVA20003 Aviation Business Strategies and Management OR AVA10012 Airline Business Strategy
AVA10001 The Global Aviation System
Learning outcomes
Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of important issues and trends throughout the business-society interface
- Explore the nature of business and economic processes using social analysis and considering various stakeholder perspectives and priorities
- Work individually and collaboratively to produce well-reasoned and evidenced arguments that address major societal issues from the perspective of diverse stakeholder interests
- Explore and critique contemporary, cross-cultural and cross-functional initiatives such as collaborative alliances
- Communicate using a variety of digital technologies
Teaching methods
Type | Hours per week | Number of weeks | Total (number of hours) |
Face to Face Contact (Phasing out) Class | 2.00 | 12 weeks | 24 |
Online Directed Online Learning and Independent Learning | 1.00 | 12 weeks | 12 |
Unspecified Learning Activities (Phasing out) Independent Learning | 9.50 | 12 weeks | 114 |
TOTAL | 150 |
Swinburne Online
Type | Hours per week | Number of weeks | Total (number of hours) |
Online Directed Online Learning and Independent Learning | 12.50 | 12 weeks | 150 |
TOTAL | 150 |
Type | Task | Weighting | ULO's |
Online Tests | Individual | 20 - 30% | 1,2 |
Presentation | Individual | 30 - 40% | 1,2,4,5 |
Report | Group | 30 - 50% | 1,2,3,4 |
- The business-society interface
- Theory differentiating between philanthropy, corporate social responsibility and corporate citizenry
- Building sustainable value through Social Enterprise, Microfinance, and Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
- Stakeholder theory
- Emerging issues in social development
- Sustainability and corporate social responsibility
- Impact of climate change on global economic, political and social agendas impacting business and society
Study resources
Reading materials
A list of reading materials and/or required textbooks will be available in the Unit Outline on Canvas.