Child Play with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
In this unit, students develop the skills and knowledge required to engage in curriculum planning, programming and evaluation. Students will develop a strong understanding of the Early Years Learning Framework and other relevant documents. They will investigate science, numeracy, technology, physical and health education and social and environmental education. Students will also complete 15 days of professional experience (children aged 3-5 years) in an approved early childhood setting.
Learning outcomes
Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:
- Plan and deliver a range of learning experiences that support children's learning and development in numeracy, science, technology, physical and health education and social and environmental education
- Evaluate teaching and children's learning experiences for science, numeracy, technology, physical and health education and social and environmental education
- Investigate learning trajectories for science, numeracy, technology, physical and health education and social and environmental education to support all children aged birth to 5 years and develop high expectations for all children's learning
- Develop suitable pedagogical approaches to support sciences, numeracy, technology, physical and health education and social and environmental education in the early childhood education settings
- Examine and critique the design of effective learning environments to support children's play in the areas of science, numeracy, technology, physical and health education and social and environmental education for children aged birth to 5 years in a range of different early childhood education settings
Teaching methods
Type | Hours per week | Number of weeks | Total (number of hours) |
Live Online Lecture |
2.00 | 8 weeks | 16 |
On-campus Class |
4.00 | 6 weeks | 24 |
Placement Placement |
37.50 | 3 weeks | 112.5 |
Specified Activities Various |
6.50 | 8 weeks | 52 |
Unspecified Activities Independent Learning |
7.25 | 8 weeks | 95.5 |
TOTAL | 300 |
Swinburne Online
Type | Hours per week | Number of weeks | Total (number of hours) |
Placement Placement |
37.50 | 3 weeks | 112.5 |
Online Directed Online Learning and Independent Learning |
17.75 | 8 weeks | 179.5 |
Specified Activities Various |
1.00 | 8 weeks | 8 |
TOTAL | 300 |
Type | Task | Weighting | ULO's |
Assignment | Individual | 50% | 2,3 |
Portfolio | Individual | 50% | 1,4,5 |
Professional Experience Report | Individual | Pass/Fail | 1,2,4,5 |
As the minimum requirements of assessment to pass a unit and meet all ULOs to a minimum standard, an undergraduate student must have achieved:
Students must achieve a minimum overall score of 70% for the Professional Experience Placement Report, including meeting the Early Childhood National Quality Standards (NQS) Elements 2.2.2 (Incident and Emergency Management), 2.2.3 (Child Protection), 4.2.2 (Professional Standards and 7.1.3 (Roles and Responsibilities)
This report is assessed on a four-point scale:
• Not met (0%-49%)
• At risk (50%-69%)
• Met (70%-89%)
• Exceeding (90%-100%).
Students who achieve an ‘At Risk’ result will be offered one opportunity to improve their assessment through an appropriate supplementary task determined by the Unit Convenor.
This hurdle requirement is in line with Initial Teacher Education Accreditation and meets the National Program Standard 5.4 (Professional Experience-Providers work with their placement school(s)/systems to achieve a rigorous approach to the assessment of pre-service teachers’ achievements against the Graduate Teacher Standards) set by the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership that partner with State Teacher Education registration organisations to register all qualified Early Childhood Teachers
Early Years Learning Framework and other relevant state documents to support learning and development
Numeracy with children aged birth to 5 years
Science with children aged birth to 5 years
Technology with children aged birth to 5 years
Physical and Health Education with children aged birth to 5 years
Social and environmental education with children aged birth to 5 years
Curriculum Planning, Programming and Evaluation in early childhood education
Graduate Attribute - Communication Skills: Verbal communication
Graduate Attribute - Communication Skills: Communicating using different media
Graduate Attribute - Teamwork Skills: Collaboration and negotiation
Graduate Attribute - Teamwork Skills: Teamwork roles and processes
Graduate Attribute - Digital literacies: Information literacy
Graduate Attribute - Digital literacies: Technical literacy
Study resources
Reading materials
A list of reading materials and/or required textbooks will be available in the Unit Outline on Canvas.