Research Project (Clinical and Forensic) H

PSY80098 50 Credit Points Hawthorn


  • One Semester/teaching period

Contact hours

  • Individual supervision

On-campus unit delivery combines face-to-face and digital learning.

2024 teaching periods


Higher Ed. Semester 2

29 Jul 24 - 27 Oct 24

3 Dec 24

Last self enrolment:
11 Aug 24

31 Aug 24

Last withdraw without fail:
13 Sep 24

Aims and objectives

The aims are to develop and extend:
• Skills in literature searching, plus review and integration of psychological literature.
• Advanced understanding of research methodology as applied to a moderately sized independent research project.
• Skills in psychological measurement and statistical or qualitative analysis applied to an independent research project.
• Practical research skills such as interviewing, recruitment of research participants, liaising with community organisations and completing ethics applications.
• Skills in presenting research proposals and findings both orally and in writing and to produce a 40,000 to 60,000 empirical research thesis that is an original and significant contribution to knowledge in the Clinical Psychology field.

Unit Learning Outcomes 
1. Acquire sophisticated communication skills to present research findings and integrate cogently present findings to peers and the community.
2. Critically evaluate existing knowledge and with creativity and expertise communicate knowledge and practice implications.
3. Expertly execute a research thesis.

Courses with unit

A unit of study in the Doctor of Psychology (Clinical and Forensic Psychology).