Deviance Difference & Conformity

SOC20020 12.5 Credit Points Hawthorn


  • One Semester or equivalent

Contact hours

  • 36 Hours

On-campus unit delivery combines face-to-face and digital learning.


50 Credit Points of Level 1 units

Aims and objectives

This unit introduces students to an understanding of a range of sociological and criminological approaches to deviance and non/normative interactions in the social and criminal world. The unit will familiarize students with a number of contemporary social problems and controversies subject to social control to manage deviance or non-normativity. As such students will be lead to analyse major forms of social control – in particular the legal system and social responses to crime and punishment – in addition students will analyse the forces that construct notions of social conformity or normativity. Finally, students will be lead to analyse and respond to differential power structures and the relativities of crime and criminal behaviour across a range of offending.
Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO) 

Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:
1. Evaluate and apply a sociological perspective to the social world around them
2. Identify and differentiate the major theoretical perspectives that explain the sociological concept of deviance
3. Define and use a range of key sociological concepts to appraise the ways in which social processes and structures respond to notions and categories of deviance in a contemporary context
4. Discuss and critique published work and communicate this through informed written argument

Courses with unit

BA-ARTSPROF Bachelor of Arts (Professional)

BA-ART3 Bachelor of Arts
BB-ARTBUS1 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business
BB-ARTSC Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science
BB-EDSART1 Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts
BB-LAWART Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts
NOTE: This unit is in many Major unit sequences including Criminology, Behavioural Studies and Human Services Practice.