Profile image for Yong-Bin Kang

Dr Yong-Bin Kang

Senior Data Science Research Fellow
PhD in Faculty of IT, Monash University, Australia


Yong-Bin Kang is a senior data science research fellow for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision Making and Society (ADM+S) at Swinburne University of Technology. In his analytical and intellectual pursuits, he is highly interested in exploring real-life problems across various domains (law, finance, education, mental health, humanity, patent, etc), uncovering hidden insights and utilising AI to boost decision-making. His expertise is primarily focused on knowledge discovery, predictive modelling and decision-making optimisation by leveraging advanced natural language processing, machine learning, and AI techniques. Recently, his research has focused more on developing, managing, and delivering algorithms and solutions that improve open, ethical, and trustworthy AI analytics practices for the social good. Specifically, he has been leading large research and industry projects that operationalise and advance responsible, trustworthy data analysis to better support public welfare, community mental health, and humanitarian action by integrating data-driven and human-centred decision-making approaches. Further, he has extensive experience in complex data analysis for a wide range of industrial projects, such as technical trajectory identification from patents, corrosion detection from drone images, analysis for environmental impact on disease symptoms, and expert finding and matching from large text and social media data.
He was awarded a PhD from Monash University and was a core member of Swinburne’s Data Science Research Institute. His research excellence is demonstrated by publications in Information Systems journal, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, WIREs data mining and knowledge discovery, JMIR, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Expert Systems with Applications, etc. Some representative A/A* conference papers include Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), and International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP).

Research interests

Natural language process; machine learning; deep learning; Artificial Intelligence

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Natural Language Processing - 460208
  • Neural Networks - 461104
  • Pattern Recognition - 460308
  • Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery - 460502

Teaching areas

natural language processing;machine learning;data mining;text mining


Also published as: Kang, Yong-Bin; Kang, Y.; Kang, Yong Bin
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2024: Exploration of AI-Driven Carbon Emission Estimation: Integrating Consumer Behavioural Patterns and Merchant Profiles *; SPV FINTECH PTY LTD (SPHERE FOR GOOD HOLDINGS)_FUND SCHEME
  • 2023: Responsible AI for Net Zero – An Australia and India Collaborative Approach towards Practice, Governance and Ethics in Energy Futures *; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Cwlth)
  • 2021: Research and Development of a Solution for Question/Answer Generation and Assessment from Video using Natural Language Processing *; VidVersity Fund Scheme
  • 2020: Development of Proof-of-Concept AI-based solution for SoA (Statement of Advice) Assessment *; Fourth Line
  • 2018: Development of a deep-learning based solution for detecting corrosion in industrial assets using images captured from drones *; Robonomics AI

* Chief Investigator

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