Profile image for Sophie Mattingley

Dr Sophie Mattingley

Forensicare Research Fellow


Dr Sophie Mattingley is a postdoctoral research fellow within the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Sciences (CFBS). Sophie's role is to design, conduct, disseminate and implement research relating to the CFBS's 'Forensic Mental Health' arm, which evaluates the services of Forensicare (Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health). Sophie completed a Doctorate of Clinical Psychology at Deakin University and, alongside her research role, practices as a clinical psychologist with Forensicare. Her doctoral thesis examined the transdiagnostic utility of negative urgency (i.e., emotion-driven impulsivity) and distress tolerance accross substance use, eating, and borderline personality disorders, and transdiagnostic frameworks continue to guide her scientific and clinical thinking.

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Co-Supervisor.


Also published as: Mattingley, Sophie; Mattingley, S.
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