Profile image for Peng Wang

Associate Professor Peng Wang

Associate Professor of Innovation Studies
PhD, The University of Melbourne, Australia; Bachelor of Computer Science, The University of Melbourne, Australia


Dr Peng Wang's research focuses on the methodology development for statistical models for social networks, including Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) for social selection processes, and Auto-logistic Actor Attribute Models (ALAAM) for social influence processes. Dr Wang is the designer and programmer for the PNet suite of software package for the statistical modelling of one-mode, two-mode, multiplex, multilevel networks, as well as the co-evolution of network structure and individual outcomes. Dr Wang has applied these models in the research fields of public health, education, management, social-ecological systems, interlocking directorates, public policy, and social network intervention evaluations.

Research interests

Social Network Analysis; Stochastic Modelling; Exponential Random Graph Models

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Associate Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Sociology - 441000


  • 2022, International, Freeman award for significant contibutions to the scientific study of social structure by a young investigator, International Network for Social Network Analysis
  • 2014, Other, Dean's award for excellence in a PhD Thesis., The University of Melbourne
  • 2012, International, I2 citation award for the most cited paper in an INSNA publication., International Network for Social Network Analysis

Further information


Also published as: Wang, Peng
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2021: Evaluating the effectiveness of a social entrepreneurial network *; Social Enterprise Network VIC Funding
  • 2020: Coordinating Innovation in Knowledge-Based Multinational Organisations *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme
  • 2020: Targeted Interventions of Contact Networks: A Network analytics approach for reducing COVID-19 spread *; Department of Health and Human Services (Vic)
  • 2020: The Optimise Study: Optimising Isolation, Quarantine and Distancing for COVID-19 *; Burnet Institute
  • 2020: Wellbeing, masculinity and social status in schools *; Brighton Grammar School
  • 2019: A community of practice for teachers of students with refugee backgrounds: A network approach and intervention *; Teachers Health Foundation
  • 2019: A Social Network Analysis (SNA) of Collaboration Part 2 - Role of Brokers *; Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
  • 2019: Innovation Across Boundaries: Social Knowledge Network Pilot Study *; Department of Premier & Cabinet (Vic)
  • 2018: ARC Training Centre for the Chemical Industries *; ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres
  • 2018: Network Dynamics of Syphilis Coinfection within Biomedical Prevention *; The University of Texas Health Science Center Fund Scheme
  • 2016: 2016 Visiting Fellowships Scheme- Professor Duanqing Pei *; Swinburne Research, DVCR&D - Internal contributions
  • 2016: Joined Up: Social Network Analysis of the Huon Valley (Tasmania) Service Network System *; Department of Health and Human Services (Tas)

* Chief Investigator

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