Profile image for Mark Burry

Professor Mark Burry

Director, Swinburne Smart Cities Research Institute
  • Chancellery
  • Swinburne Research Office


Mark Burry is the Founding Director for Swinburne University of Technology’s ‘Smart Cities Research Institute’, an appointment he took up in May 2017. His role is to lead the development of a whole-of-university research approach to helping ensure that our future cities anticipate and meet the needs of all – engaged smart citizens for engaging smart cities.

Mark Burry is a practising architect who has published internationally on two main themes: putting theory into practice with regard to procuring ‘challenging’ architecture, and the life, work and theories of the architect Antoni Gaudí. He has been Senior Architect to the Sagrada Família Basilica Foundation since 1979, pioneering distant collaboration with his colleagues based on-site in Barcelona.

In 2001 Mark Burry founded the Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL) at RMIT University before establishing the Design Research Institute (DRI) in 2008. He held an ARC funded Federation Fellowship in ‘Complex Architecture and Convergent Design’ 2007-2012. He joined the University of Melbourne in 2014 as Professor of Urban Futures at the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning where he helped develop the Faculty’s capacity to consolidate research in urban futures, drawing together and augmenting expertise in urban visualisation, urban analytics, and urban policy.

For more information see Mark's website at

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Architecture - 330100
  • Design - 330300


Also published as: Burry, Mark; Burry, M.; Burry, M. C.; Burry, Mark C.; Burry, Mark Cameron
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2024: Training Centre for Next-Gen Architectural Manufacturing *; ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres
  • 2019: iHUB:Smart urban research-synthesis-engagement platform for decision making *; ARC Linkage Infrastructure and Equipment Scheme
  • 2017: The Analects of Antoni Gaudí *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2017: The Sound of Space: Architecture for improved auditory performance in the age of digital manufacturing *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme
  • 2017: Virtual Digitalisation with RFID Technology for Steel Fabrication *; Innovation Connections

* Chief Investigator

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