Profile image for Matthew Bailes

Professor Matthew Bailes

Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav)


Professor Matthew Bailes is a former Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow and the Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav). He is a world leader in the discovery and timing of millisecond pulsars and has made pivotal contributions to the discovery of the Fast Radio Bursts – enigmatic millisecond-duration bursts of radio waves that strike the Earth many thousands of times per day and are of unknown origin. In 2023 this was recognised when he was awarded the Shaw Prize in Astronomy.

Professor Bailes’ research mainly concerns developing instrumentation for time domain astrophysics and using it for pulsar and FRB discovery in conjunction with collaborators in Australia, Europe, South Africa and the US. He is the leader of the MeerTime collaboration that is using the MeerKAT radio telescope
in South Africa to explore relativistic gravity with rafdio pulsars.

Professor Bailes founded the Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing at Swinburne in 1998 and served as its Director for the first 12 years. In 2021
he co-founded the spin-off company Fourier Space Pty Ltd with his former staff and students. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences.

Research interests

Pulsars; Square Kilometre Array; Astronomy

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Galactic Astronomy - 510104
  • General Relativity And Gravitational Waves - 510105
  • Cosmology And Extragalactic Astronomy - 510103

Further information



Also published as: Bailes, Matthew; Bailes, M.
This publication listing is provided by Swinburne Research Bank. If you are the owner of this profile, you can update your publications using our online form.

Recent research grants awarded

  • 2024: ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery *; ARC Centre of Excellence Scheme
  • 2022: A next generation fast radio burst detector for Australia *; ARC Linkage Infrastructure and Equipment Scheme
  • 2022: Constructing the SKA Pulsar Timing Processor PI14 (Project Schedule 2) *; FOURIERSPACE_FS
  • 2022: Constructing the SKA Pulsar Timing Processor PI15 (Project Schedule 3) *; FOURIERSPACE_FS
  • 2022: Constructing the SKA Pulsar Timing Processor PI16 (Project Schedule 4)  *; FOURIERSPACE_FS
  • 2022: Illuminating the cosmic web with Fast Radio Bursts *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2021: Australian Partnership in Advanced LIGO+: continuation *; ARC Linkage Infrastructure and Equipment Scheme
  • 2021: Constructing the SKA pulsar timing processor PI13 (Master and Project Schedule 1) *; FOURIERSPACE_FS
  • 2021: CSIRO CryoPAF GPU Backend Design *; FOURIERSPACE_FS
  • 2021: Irukandji FPGA Firmware Research and Development *; FOURIERSPACE_FS
  • 2021: Project Schedule No.8 ARDC Data Retention Project Phase 2 - GWDC *; Astronomy Australia Limited
  • 2021: Woiwurrung named supercomputing facility (OzSTAR Upgrade) *; Department of Education and Training (Vic)
  • 2019: Lexus Commercial Transmission *; M&C Saatchi
  • 2017: ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery *; ARC Centre of Excellence Scheme
  • 2017: Breakthrough Listen Project *; University of California Berkeley USA Fund Scheme
  • 2017: Completing the pulsar timing sub-element design for the Square Kilometre Array *; Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (Cwlth)
  • 2017: Supplementation of CoE  grant CE170100004 *; ARC Centre of Excellence Supplementary Funds
  • 2016: Expanding our view of the Universe with the Murchison Widefield Array *; ARC Linkage Infrastructure and Equipment Scheme
  • 2016: Pulsar Hunting with Fast Folding Algorithms *; UA-DAAD (Universities Australia-Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst)
  • 2011: ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics *; ARC Centre of Excellence Scheme
  • 2011: Deep investigations of galaxies and pulsars *; ARC Linkage Infrastructure and Equipment Scheme
  • 2008: Development of the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope for pulsar astrophysics and Square Kilometre Array demonstration *; Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) - Indo-Australian Science & Technology Fund

* Chief Investigator

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