Profile image for Joel McGregor

Dr Joel McGregor

Lecturer in Criminology


Joel McGregor is interested in the systems and services that support individuals after involvement with the justice system, with a specific interest in young people and their workers.

Joel completed his PhD in 2019 which examined how case management and diversionary programs—such as rehabilitation interventions—come together as a practice to help young people following involvement with juvenile justice. This work highlighted how case managers are often required to draw on their own experiences, and an understanding of self, while serving their clients. For instance, case managers will often relate to their clients firstly through their own experiences of trauma or criminality. Then, secondly, they’ll bring in what they’ve learnt from their training. This has important implications for the desistance pathways of young people.


Joel is working with several teams on funded projects that seek to evidence and evaluate new and existing intervention programs for vulnerable populations.

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Teaching areas


Further information



Also published as: McGregor, Joel; McGregor, J.; McGregor, J. R.; McGregor, Joel R.; McGregor, Joel Robert
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2024: A place to call home: understanding young people’s housing needs after involvement with the justice system *; Brian M. Davis Charitable Foundation
  • 2024: Graffiti - a review of offender motivations and current prevention strategies with a focus on public transport *; iMOVECRC
  • 2024: Supported accommodation models for unaccompanied children and young people: Evidence for better futures *; AHURI National Housing Research Program - Research Projects
  • 2022: Integrated Mentoring for Young Women Leaving Out-of-Home Care *; Jack Brockhoff Foundation Fund Scheme
  • 2022: Interventions for young men and boys using IPV in early relationships: Analysing identification, referral and practices, and investigating motivating and protective factors fortargeted intervention *; Family Violence Research Grants: Phase 1
  • 2022: Kids Under Cover Juvenile Justice Housing Program:  Year One Research Proposal *; Kids Under Cover
  • 2021: Provision of training package design for Community Corrections *; Queensland Corrective Services

* Chief Investigator