Profile image for Jo Barraket

Distinguished Professor Jo Barraket

Adjunct Professor


University Distinguished Professor Jo Barraket is a pioneering researcher in social enterprise and social innovation in Australia. Her work spans questions of public policy, organisational hybridity and social change. She leads CSI Swinburne, which is the largest social economy research centre in the world.

Professor Barraket’s work contributes to policy development and practice in social investment, social procurement, and social enterprise development. Based on her expertise in these areas, she has been national expert adviser to the OECD on two projects related to the social economy and socio-economic participation.

Professor Barraket has authored more than 70 publications and led more than $9.5 million of grant funded and commissioned research, including national competitive grants funded by the Australian Research Council and projects funded by corporate and private philanthropy, and state and local governments. In her previous position as Associate Professor, she led the social enterprise and innovation research program at QUT Business School.

Research interests

Social enterprise; Public Policy; social innovation; third sector; social economy

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Business Systems In Context - 350300
  • Policy And Administration - 440700


Also published as: Barraket, Jo; Barraket, J.; Barraket, Josephine
This publication listing is provided by Swinburne Research Bank. If you are the owner of this profile, you can update your publications using our online form.

Recent research grants awarded

  • 2021: Social Enterprise Strategy for Hume City - Phase 1 *; Hume City Council - Research Contract
  • 2020: Australian Digital Inclusion Index 2020-2023 *; Telstra Digital Inclusion Index
  • 2020: Creating the digital commons for social impact and innovation evidence *; Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund (LMCF)
  • 2020: Data Co-operative Platform for Social Impact and Wellbeing *; ARC Linkage Infrastructure and Equipment Scheme
  • 2020: Impact Measurement Framework Support *; Philanthropy Australia
  • 2020: Informing the Victorian Social Enterprise Ecosystem *; Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (Vic)
  • 2020: Landscape mapping and assessment of social startup support and apex bodies in Australia *; The Paul Ramsay Foundation
  • 2020: Making policy reform work: a comparative analysis of social procurement *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2020: Map for Impact Website and Database Maintenance 2019 - October 2021 *; Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (Vic)
  • 2020: Social Enterprise Skills Development Program *; Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (Vic)
  • 2020: The State of Social Procurement in Australia and New Zealand *; IPA Personnel Services Pty Limited
  • 2020: Vanguard Laundry Evaluation Study - Phase 2 *; Vanguard Laundry Services
  • 2020: White Box Enterprises Evaluation *; White Box Enterprises
  • 2019: Australian Digital Inclusion Index *; Telstra Digital Inclusion Index
  • 2019: The direct and indirect impacts of social procurement on social enterprises and social procurers: An evaluation of Social Traders’ role as an intermediary in social procurement *; Social Traders Ltd
  • 2019: Theory of Change Workshop *; Valley Financial Services
  • 2018: Enabling the Social Enterprise Needs of Westpac Foundation *; Westpac
  • 2018: The Swinburne Social Startup Studio *; Equity Trustees
  • 2018: Theory of Change workshop *; Museums Victoria Fund Scheme
  • 2018: Towards an optimal employment strategy for people seeking asylum in Victoria *; Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Fund Scheme
  • 2017: Collaborative Research Agreement (incl Chair and PhDs) *; Kildonan Uniting Care
  • 2017: Community Recycling Enterprises - NSW Impact Measurement *; NSW Government Office of Environment and Heritage
  • 2017: Improving Health Equity of Young People? The role of social enterprise *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme
  • 2017: Mapping the effect of social enterprise on regional city disadvantage *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme
  • 2016: Evaluation of Social Traders Connect *; Social Traders Ltd
  • 2016: Evaluation of the Social Enterprise Development and Investment Funds *; University of New South Wales
  • 2016: Telstra Digital Inclusion Index (Subcontract) *; Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
  • 2016: The conditions for collaboration that enable social and business innovationcommunities to radically reduce carbon outputs and improve sustainability *; CRC Low Carbon Living
  • 2015: Evaluation of the Social Innovation for Health Equity Project *; VicHealth
  • 2015: Giving Australia Project *; Queensland University of Technology
  • 2015: Mapping & market research into the sustainability focussed scocial enterprise sector in NSW *; NSW Government Office of Environment and Heritage
  • 2014: Colloboration Agreement in relation to the Centre for Social Impact *; University of New South Wales
  • 2014: Evidence Review: Social Innovation for health (equity) promotion *; VicHealth
  • 2014: Finding Australia’s Social Enterprise Sector II *; Social Traders Ltd
  • 2014: Measuring Outcomes for Impact in the Community Sector and Social Enterprise Resilience *; Bankwest Foundation
  • 2014: PhD Scholarship *; Vietnam International Education Development
  • 2014: Understanding network qualities and workforce implications of collaborative governance *; Australia New Zealand School of Government

* Chief Investigator

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