Profile image for Andrew Pipingas

Professor Andrew Pipingas

Director, Centre for Human Psychopharmacology
PhD, SUT, Australia; BAppSc(Dist), SIT, Australia


Professor Andrew Pipingas is a cognitive neuroscientist and Head of Neurocognitive Ageing Research at Swinburne’s Centre for Human Psychopharmacology.

His research covers the application of cognitive and neuroimaging methodologies in the study of neurocognition and brain ageing in both cognitively healthy and cognitively impaired individuals.

Dr Pipingas is also engaged in projects related to healthy brain ageing including nutritional, nutraceutical and lifestyle intervention studies in an older population.

Research interests

Medical Biophysics; Nutrition; Neuroscience; Psychological Measurement; Psychopharmacology

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

PhD topics and outlines

Please contact Prof Pipingas


Available to supervise honours students.

Honours topics and outlines

1. Effects of nutraceutical supplementation on brain function and healthy brain ageing: Ongoing research evaluating the effects of nutraceutical interventions (vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, fish oil) on neurocognition using computerised cognitive, EEG and neuroimaging techniques. Blood markers, cardiovascular other variables are measured to help elucidate mechanisms of action.

2. Lifestyle interventions in an ageing population: Opportunities for research investigating relationships between diet/exercise and brain function using cognitive, mood and neuroimaging techniques. A number of these studies are longitudinal with assessments following a change to diet and physical activity in older Australians.

3. Cardiovascular function and brain health: Opportunities for research investigating relationships between cognitive and cardiovascular function in ageing. The effect of diet and exercise on these relationships.

Fields of Research

  • Cognitive And Computational Psychology - 520400
  • Applied And Developmental Psychology - 520100
  • Biological Psychology - 520200
  • Clinical And Health Psychology - 520300
  • Cognitive And Computational Psychology - 520400
  • Social And Personality Psychology - 520500

Teaching areas

Medical Biophysics;Psychological Measurement;Psychopharmacology;Neuroscience


Also published as: Pipingas, Andrew; Pipingas, A.
This publication listing is provided by Swinburne Research Bank. If you are the owner of this profile, you can update your publications using our online form.

Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: Worwag Pharma GambH & Co KG (Worwag) - Effects of a biofactor-combination on cognitive function in mildly cognitive impaired patients - a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot-trial *; Wörwag Pharma GmbH & Co. KG FUND SCHEME
  • 2022: Effects of a biofactor-combination on cognitive function in mildly cognitive impaired patients - a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot-trial - Protocol and Ethics development, Study Set up *; Wörwag Pharma GmbH & Co. KG FUND SCHEME
  • 2022: MedWalk Trial - Student Agreement with SpecSavers *; SPECSAVERS FUND SCHEME
  • 2021: (Student) - Acute and long-term effects of Neuroberrry/Arepa on neurocognitive health *; AlphaGen NZ Ltd (Arepa) Funding Scheme
  • 2020: Effects of an Indigenous Plant Extract on Brain Function and Health *; GRETALS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD
  • 2020: NHMRC 2020 Equipment Grant: Norma Icon-5 *; NHMRC Standard Equipment Grant
  • 2018: Examine the effect of acute and chronic supplementation of Blackmores Micronutrient Formulation versus placebo on memory and mood *; Blackmores
  • 2017: Modern diets and the maintenance of optimal mood and cognitive functioning through nutraceutical supplementation *; Swisse Wellness Group
  • 2016: Optimising technology to measure functional vision, mobility and service outcomes for people with low vision or blindness  *; Melbourne-Sarawak Collaborative Research Development Scheme
  • 2014: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial investigating the effects of two nutraceutical combination formulas on mental fatigue, mood and neurocognitive performance in healthy adults *; LifeVantage Corporation
  • 2013: Clinical trial looking at acute effects of multivitamins on mood and cognition *; Swisse Vitamins Pty Ltd
  • 2013: Controlled Trials in ‘At Risk’ Humans to Establish the Cognitive Benefits of a Nutrient Mixture and Underlying Mechanisms of Action  - the Cognitive Aging, Nutrition and Neurogenesis (C.A.N.N.) trial. *; Centre for Nutrition, Learning, and Memory (CNLM) Grand Challenge Grant App 2013
  • 2011: Post Doc Salary for projects: 1. clinical trial to investigate cognitive and cardiovascular effects of Co Enzyme Q10 2. investigating effects of Krill Oil on cognitive and cardiovascular function *; Swisse Vitamins Pty Ltd
  • 2011: The effects of Swisse Ultivite on mood, stress, sleep and cognition in individuals aged 25-45 *; Swisse Vitamins Pty Ltd
  • 2009: Biomarkers and objective assessment of cognitive and brain effects of fish oil dietary supplementation *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme
  • 2009: Clinical study - Effect of omega-3 and multivitamin supplementation on cognition, mood and cardiovascular function in a group of older males and females *; Swisse Vitamins Pty Ltd

* Chief Investigator

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