Profile image for Alfons Palangkaraya

Associate Professor Alfons Palangkaraya

Associate Professor, Economics


Alfons Palangkaraya is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Transformative Innovation and a Program Leader of Economics and Innovation Analytics at Swinburne Data Science Research Institute. His research focuses on microeconometrics analysis of innovation, intellectual property rights protection, firm performance, and international trade. He has published in academic journals such as Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of International Economics, Research Policy, Rand Journal, and Review of Economics and Statistics. He is the leading chief investigator of two current Australian Research Council Grant projects: “The relationship between firm innovation and performance and the role of government” and “The role of branding and international trademarks in global value chains”. He has done an extensive amount of research consulting on program monitoring and impact evaluation in the areas of innovation and trade/globalisation policies for Australian government institutions and international organisations.

Research interests

Innovation; Intellectual property; economics; productivity; globalisation; international trade; impact evaluation; research and development; R&D; ASEAN; foreign direct investment; knowledge spillover; patent; econometrics; efficiency analysis; indonesia; firm performance; industry dynamics; corporate governance; global value chain; value added; industrial organization

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

PhD topics and outlines

Innovation Economics : Global patent system, international trade and the globalisation R&D activities Networks of inventors and scientists and collaboration to generate radical scientific breakthroughs What can governments do to foster science, innovation and technological upgrading? What is the role of international collaboration and migration in scientific research, innovation and economic performance?


Available to supervise honours students.

Fields of Research

  • Applied Economics - 380100

Further information


Also published as: Palangkaraya, Alfons; Palangkaraya, A.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2024: Computer Implemented Inventions Research *; IP Australia
  • 2023: Enhancing education export and collaboration between Australia and Vietnam *; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Cwlth)
  • 2023: Impact assessment of Austrade’s EMDG Program and Trade Services *; Austrade
  • 2023: Part 2 - Provision of data to assist with trade promotion and inward investment programs *; Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (Vic)
  • 2023: Provision of data to assist with trade promotion and inward investment programs *; Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (Vic)
  • 2023: Raising the Bar (Extension Work) *; IP Australia
  • 2022: Evaluating the effect of Raising the Bar reforms on patent quality and scope in Australia *; IP Australia
  • 2021: Aerostructures Innovation Research Hub (AIR Hub) *; Department of Education and Training (Vic)
  • 2021: Evaluation of additionality and spillovers achieved by the r&d tax incentive program *; Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (Cwlth)
  • 2021: RFQ: Investment Characteristics of Successful Innovative Businesses *; Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (Cwlth)
  • 2021: RFQ: Trade Index Model *; Austrade
  • 2020: Innovation In Manufactured Food Sector (RFQ) *; Food Standards Australia and New Zealand
  • 2019: Analysis of the economic effect of Design Rights on design-intensive firms *; IP Australia
  • 2019: Evaluation of the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) Austrade Programs *; Austrade
  • 2019: RD Spill-over effects in Australia by fields of research *; Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (Cwlth)
  • 2018: Identifying technological trajectories using machine learning algorithms *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme
  • 2018: Impact Assessment of Austrade’s tailored services *; Austrade
  • 2017: Grants Impact Evaluation Project *; Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources (Vic)
  • 2017: The role of branding and international trademarks in global value chains *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme
  • 2015: Data Linking, Matching & Cleaning Service *; IP Australia
  • 2015: The efficiency of the Global Patent System *; ARC Linkage Projects Scheme
  • 2014: Relationship of firm innovation and performance on the role of government *; ARC Discovery Projects Scheme

* Chief Investigator

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