Profile image for Amir Aryani

Associate Professor Amir Aryani

Associate Professor, Social Data Analytics


Amir Aryani is the Head of the Social Data Analytics (SoDA) Lab in the Social Innovation Research Institute. The Lab applies contemporary and emerging co-op data analytics techniques to provide insight into health and social problems.

Amir has experience with large-scale and cross-institution projects in Australia and Europe. His track records include collaboration with high-profile international institutions such as British Library, ORCID (U.S), Data Archiving and Network Analysis (DANS, Netherlands), Institution for the Social Sciences in Germany (GESIS), and funders including ARC, NHMRC, and NIH. He is an experienced project leader on initiatives involving creating and leading data-driven projects and using data modelling, information retrieval techniques, and real-time data analysis.

He has published articles in high impact journals such as Nature Scientific Data, Metadata and Semantics Research, and Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Co-Supervisor.


Also published as: Aryani, Amir; Aryani, A.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: Automated Horizon Scanning for Intellectual Property *; ARC Centre of Excellence Scheme
  • 2022: A Local Navigation Tool for Mental Health Care (MChart) *; Digital Health CRC
  • 2021: ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES) *; ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres
  • 2021: Australian Cultural Data Engine for Research, Industry and Government *; ARC Linkage Infrastructure and Equipment Scheme
  • 2021: Collaborative data analytics exploring family safety outcomes *; Department of Health and Human Services (Vic)
  • 2021: Coordinated Access for Data, Researchers and Environments (CADRE) - A Five Safes Implementation Framework for Sensitive Data in HASS *; Australian Research Data Commons
  • 2021: Data Workshop Facilitation *; VicHealth
  • 2021: Member Engagement Data CO-OP *; ESS Super
  • 2021: Project 52: Regional Data Co-op: Augmenting community information with energy data *; C4NET Fund Scheme
  • 2020: Creating the digital commons for social impact and innovation evidence *; Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund (LMCF)
  • 2020: Data Co-operative Platform for Social Impact and Wellbeing *; ARC Linkage Infrastructure and Equipment Scheme
  • 2020: Proposal to support investigation into humanitarian response following bushfire crisis *; Australian Red Cross
  • 2020: Regional Alliance for Social Inclusion *; Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (Vic)
  • 2020: Regional Data Co-op Project *; Bendigo Community Health
  • 2019: CAPCE Data Framework *; Family Life
  • 2019: Data Cooperative for Social Impact and Public Health *; Australian Research Data Commons
  • 2019: GDHP Literature Review *; ADHA
  • 2019: Glen Eira Social Data Analytics Dashboard *; Glen Eira City Council
  • 2019: Proposal to support the Foundation’s review into investing in rural Australian mental health improvement *; The Paul Ramsay Foundation
  • 2019: Strengthening the Not for Profit Sector: Data for Good Sandpit *; Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund (LMCF)

* Chief Investigator

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