Profile image for Steve Petrie

Dr Steve Petrie

Earth Observation Research Fellow
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Melbourne, Australia; Master of Philosophy, University of Melbourne, Australia; Bachelor of Science (Honours), University of Melbourne, Australia


Steve is an Earth Observation Research Fellow in Swinburne's Space Technology and Industry Institute. He is an inter-disciplinary researcher with experience in satellite Earth Observation and image processing, data science, neural networks, astrophysics, mathematical biology, and evolutionary optimisation. He leads the Earth Observation stream within the Space Institute's Remote Sensing Program.

Steve's background is in physics; he has an MPhil in theoretical cosmology and a PhD in infectious disease modelling. His PhD involved modelling influenza infection dynamics within the respiratory tract, in order to assess the fitness of drug-resistant strains of influenza. He also has extensive experience implementing projects on high performance computing infrastructure, including supercomputers run by Swinburne University, Melbourne University, and Melbourne Bioinformatics, as well as cloud computation services run by Amazon Web Services and the National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources project (Nectar).

Research interests

Advanced Statistics and Big Data; Scientific Computing and Visualisation; Data Visualisation; Climate and Ocean Remote Sensing; Mathematical modelling; Epidemiology

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Computational Modelling And Simulation In Earth Sciences - 370401
  • Earth And Space Science Informatics - 370402
  • Geospatial Information Systems And Geospatial Data Modelling - 401302

Teaching areas

Advanced Statistics and Big Data;Scientific Computing and Visualisation;Data Visualisation;Climate and Ocean Remote Sensing

Further information


Also published as: Petrie, Steve; Petrie, S.; Petrie, Stephen; Petrie, Stephen M.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: Accurate carbon and water accounting for agriculture: Fusing mobile eddy covariance tower measurements with Earth observation satellite data *; SmartSat CRC Fund Scheme
  • 2023: Automated Horizon Scanning for Intellectual Property *; ARC Centre of Excellence Scheme
  • 2022: AI and Remote Sensing for Water Leak Detection *; EY Business Solutions Fund Scheme
  • 2021: Branding activities and trade opportunities between Vietnam and Australia *; DFAT Australia-Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Grant (AVEG)
  • 2021: RFQ: Trade Index Model *; Austrade
  • 2020: Bionic Vision Technologies *; Bionic Vision Technologies Ltd Pty (BVT)
  • 2020: IP Australia Updates to TMLink *; IP Australia

* Chief Investigator

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