Partnership for hi-tech manufacturing future

In Summary
Swinburne is collaborating with the University of Stuttgart and ARENA 2036 to
- develop research collaborations between Australia and Germany
- establish links between industry partners and relevant research centres
- identify special short and long term research projects of mutual interest and benefit
Swinburne is partnering with the University of Stuttgart and ARENA 2036 to foster innovation in hi-tech manufacturing research and development through international cooperation and industry engagement.
The partnership will seek to develop and commercialise research outcomes, transferring new automated and digital manufacturing methods to Australia’s advanced manufacturers and providing them access to growth areas in global value chains.
As part of the agreement, researchers at Swinburne and the University of Stuttgart will collaborate with ARENA 2036, the German Government-funded research campus that is working with leading industry partners to develop the next generation of lightweight materials and automated production processes.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to form the new partnership was signed on 27 April 2016 at the Hannover Fair, which followed Austrade’s Business and Technology forum in Munich.
As part of the MoU, the three parties will discuss collaboration opportunities in:
- developing research collaborations between Australia and Germany
- establishing links between our industry partners and relevant research centres of ARENA 2036 and Swinburne
- identifying special short and long term research projects of mutual interest and benefit
Swinburne University of Technology
Swinburneis a leader in science, technology and innovation. The multi-disciplinary scientists and engineers at Swinburne’s A$100 million Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre are developing and manufacturing next-generation products through design-led innovation.
University of Stuttgart
The University of Stuttgart is a research-intensive institution specialising in engineering and natural science, combined with the humanities and social sciences.
ARENA 2036
ARENA 2036 is a research campus where researchers and industry collaborate in advancing production of lightweight structures, materials and construction as well as simulation and prototyping. Industry partners include Daimler, Bosch, Siemens, Pilz, BASF, DLR and Festo. It develops competitive production models for a flexible factory manufacturing the car of the future in 2036, the year of the 150th anniversary of the automobile