Swinburne multimedia alumnus lands job at Amazon
In Summary
“Never underestimate the value of LinkedIn,” were the words that Andrew Lay reiterated several times. It was LinkedIn that helped Andrew to secure his next job, working for America’s largest internet based retailer Amazon, at their US headquarters in Seattle, where he will start as a web developer next month.
“I wasn’t even looking for a new job at the time. I just logged onto LinkedIn one day and I had a message from an Amazon recruiter. I actually thought it was a joke at first! The first thing I did was to verify the email address was real!”
The weeks that followed saw Andrew go through over 10 hours of interviews, before he was offered the job at Amazon Smile.
“I’m still pinching myself. It still doesn’t feel quite real.”
Andrew, who studied a Masters of Multimedia at Swinburne, began teaching at the university sessionally in 2005. He then moved into lecturing, while taking on a number of consulting and project jobs on the side.
“It’s going to be amazing to work for such a large organisation, such as Amazon. They are such an influential and leading organisation in the US, so I know I’ll learn a lot."
“I have been to the US before, but never to Seattle. This adventure is something that I’m really looking forward to. My time at Swinburne has prepared me well to start this new chapter of my life.”