Victorian Lead Scientist Leonie Walsh honoured at Swinburne

In Summary
Swinburne University of Technology has awarded an honorary doctorate to Victorian Lead Scientist Leonie Walsh.
Ms Walsh has extensive experience in management and commercialisation of research.
Over a career spanning 25 years, she has worked both in Australia and internationally, building a reputation for driving strategic commercial improvements and innovation in the organisations in which she has worked.
Prior to her appointment to the Lead Scientist position, Ms Walsh worked for Visy Industries and South East Melbourne Water in Victoria, and internationally for Henkel and Dow Chemical.
She has led R&D groups with direct involvement in technical service, new product development, material sciences, characterisation and process research. She has also provided support to technology-based start-up companies.
Ms Walsh has a Bachelor of Science, a Graduate Diploma and a Master of Science in Applied Science from Swinburne.
She was the keynote speaker at Swinburne's International Women's Day Breakfast in 2014.
“Ms Walsh is a prolific contributor to the public debate about the role of innovation and a passionate advocate for the role of women in science, technology and innovation,” Swinburne Vice-Chancellor Professor Linda Kristjanson said.
“She has frequently acknowledged the quality of her educational experience at Swinburne and, in particular, the benefit of her Industry Based Learning experience.
“Her contributions and leadership in scientific enterprises, innovation and the community are most aptly recognised through the awarding of this honorary doctorate.”