Our information management and library studies courses give you the skills to ensure people have quick access to the right information so they can make critical, perhaps even world-changing decisions.

Learn how to handle large volumes of information in libraries, agencies and other institutions, then complement those skills with research, cataloguing and collection management. 

Information isn’t helpful on its own — it needs to be targeted and specific. Through an information management and library studies course at Swinburne, you’ll learn to apply the right information to the right problem.

Browse our courses to find detailed course information, application dates, entry requirements, fees, subjects, ATAR requirements and more. 

Browse our Information Management courses

There's still time to apply for Semester 2

Whether it's business, health, or design you're interested in, TAFE, undergrad or postgrad – Semester 2 classes start on Monday 29 July.

See steps for applying, frequently asked questions, and key dates and deadlines.

Related Business courses