Fees for local students
Find out how much your university fees will be for your course type and find information regarding study loans, scholarships and other study incentives such as subsidies and discounts.
Your fees will vary based on your course type, your level of study and whether you’re eligible for any study loans and discounts.
Fees and student loan options by course type
Select your course type for general guidelines for your course fees. You'll also be able to view the associated loan options and discounts that may be available to you.
There are a number of different loans and discounts for diplomas and certificates that you (or your course) might be eligible for, such as:
- Free TAFE for Priority Courses: This initiative from the Victorian State Government offers to pay eligible students’ tuition fees in a range of TAFE courses. Find out more about Free TAFE.
- VET Student Loans: The Australian Government provides loans to eligible students for vocational education at diploma and advanced diploma level. These were previously known as VET FEE-HELP loans. Learn more about VET Student Loans.
- Fee concessions: Eligible students can access discounts. Check your eligibility for fee concessions.
- Scholarships: We offer a range of scholarships for tuition fees, living costs and study expenses. Check out Swinburne’s scholarship programs.
As part of your undergraduate study, you will need to pay two types of university fees: your tuition fee, plus a student services and amenities fee (SSAF), which pays for important student services such as careers and employment advice, workshop presentations and counselling.
There are several ways for you to pay for your degree. These include:
- Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP): Your degree is partly paid for by the Australian Government, although you are required to pay some of your tuition fees yourself. The amount you pay is based on how many units you take. Learn more about CSPs.
- HECS-HELP loan: The HECS-HELP scheme lets students in Commonwealth Supported Places defer payment until you start earning a certain amount of money per year. Learn more about HECS-Help loans. You can pay the full amount upfront before you study, or receive a HECS-HELP loan for some or all of your remaining tuition.
- Scholarships: We offer a range of scholarships for course fees, living costs and study expenses. Check out Swinburne’s scholarship programs.
Learn more about how to pay for your tuition fees.
For your postgraduate study, you will need to pay two types of university fees: your tuition, plus a student services and amenities fee (SSAF), which pays for important services such as careers and employment advice, workshop presentations and counselling.
There are several ways for you to pay for your degree:
- Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP): Your degree is partly paid for by the Australian Government, although you are required to pay some of your tuition fees yourself. Check individual course pages to see whether your course offers a Commonwealth Supported Place. If a CSP is offered, you may be eligible for HECS-HELP. Learn more about HECS-Help loans.
- FEE-HELP: The FEE-HELP scheme lets you defer payment until you start earning a certain amount of money per year. Learn more about FEE-HELP.
- You can pay the full amount upfront before you study, or receive a FEE-HELP loan for some or all of your remaining tuition.
You could also consider asking your employer to help sponsor your study or apply for a student loan.
When undertaking a PhD, if you’re a domestic student (including Australian and New Zealand citizens, and Australian permanent residents) your application will be automatically considered for a government-funded Research Training Program (RTP) place to cover the fees of your PhD program.
For further information regarding PhD scholarships, grants and funding opportunities, read our funding and grants page.
As with PhDs, if you’re a domestic student (including Australian and New Zealand citizens, and Australian permanent residents) your application will be automatically considered for a government-funded Research Training Program (RTP) place to cover your Master by Research program fees.
Paying your fees as a local student
Learn how to pay your fees, when to pay your fees and what help is available to you as a vocational education, undergraduate or postgraduate student.
Need a copy of your receipt?
You can request a copy of your receipt for the payment of tuition fees. This usually takes three business days and will be emailed to you.
Am I eligible for a refund?
You may be eligible for a refund of course or unit fees under certain circumstances if you withdraw by the relevant census date.
Need help or advice regarding your fees?
If you need assistance or advice when it comes to understanding which loans are available to you, our team of financial advisers are here to help.