Returning from an overseas program
If you’re a student who has returned from an overseas study program, we’re here to support in your transition to studying back in Australia and to stay connected.
Jump back into student life
To help with your return to Australia, take part in the many activities and programs that Swinburne Abroad organises each semester. You can connect with other returned students who have gone through similar experiences and with incoming exchange students from your host country.
Some of the activities include:
- orientation for incoming exchange and Study Abroad students
- Swinburne Abroad Study Overseas Expo
- return Home information session
- volunteer opportunities to speak about your overseas experience.
For more information on the support and activities available to returning students from an exchange or overseas experience, contact

Swinburne Abroad Student Adviser Program
This is an exciting initiative that allows returned students to gain valuable experience working as part of the Swinburne Abroad team.
The program aims to:
- increase awareness of overseas study opportunities to other Swinburne students
- raise the Swinburne Abroad profile among the wider university community
- provide professional work experience to returned students in marketing and recruitment.
For details about the program and instructions on how to apply, contact the team at or chat to the Swinburne Abroad team at BA Building Level 2 Atrium.
Re-adjusting and reverse culture shock
Re-adjusting to life back home can be challenging and it’s normal to have mixed feelings. Leaving the friends that you’ve made overseas can be an emotional experience and you may have changed a lot in the last few months — so it’s very normal to feel like you don’t fit in anymore.
If you’re struggling with life back in Australia, Swinburne’s counselling service is here to help. Head to our health services page to find out more information.
You can also speak to the Swinburne Abroad Team who can offer you advice and guidance through the reverse culture shock experience.
Your host institution may send your transcripts directly to you or to the Swinburne Abroad Office. It is your responsibility to find out where the transcripts will be sent. If the transcripts are sent to you, you must provide a copy to the Swinburne Abroad Office as soon as possible.
Once Swinburne Abroad has a copy of your transcripts, they will be cross-checked with your current study plan. If all your units have been pre-approved, they will be sent to the progress team for exemptions to be processed.
Note: If your transcript does not match your current study plan, you will be requested to get approvals for any units you need exemptions for.
Host institutions may take up to 12 weeks after the end of your semester to send your transcripts. It’s your responsibility to find out when they will be sent and to let them know while you are on exchange if you need them by a certain date.
Overseas units that were approved as equivalent to Swinburne units will be entered on your transcript as an exemption. The Swinburne code is listed and you are awarded an exemption/s. This means you’ll not receive a numerical grade for these units on your Swinburne transcript and therefore is important you retain your host university transcript for your education portfolio.
You also need to have completed the correct study load at the partner institution as per the credit equivalence table. This means you need to have completed the equivalent of at least 37.5 credit points.
Ready for another adventure?
If you loved your overseas experience, why not go abroad again? Discover our other overseas programs and explore more of the world!