Workshops, events and outreach programs
Choose from a broad range of engaging educational programs, including AstroTours, school holiday workshops and family science nights.
Primary school incursions
Children's University Swinburne
Astrophysics school programs
PrimeSCI! Live-Streamed Science Webinars
School holiday science workshops
Business, law and entrepreneurship programs
Chemistry and biotechnology workshops
Mathematics programs
Healthy Rivers, Healthy Bay
Deep Creek Reserve STEM Excursions
Did you know?
We also offer a wide range of high-impact professional learning workshops for teachers.
Other programs and workshops
Swinburne is a major partner in several leading STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) enrichment and immersion programs for high school students. These include:
BrainSTEM Innovation Challenge
The BrainSTEM Innovation Challenge involves secondary school students collaborating with an academic mentor to develop a STEM innovation with real-world applications.
ConocoPhillips Science Experience
The annual ConocoPhillips Science Experience encourages Year 9 and 10 students to explore the never-ending possibilities of science in a university environment.
In2science peer mentoring
Find your students a mentor! The In2science peer mentoring program places volunteer university mentors in year 7 to 10 mathematics and science classes over 10 weeks.
National Science Week
Swinburne celebrates National Science Week with a range of inspiring and engaging events.
Spark Engineering Camp
Spark Engineering Camp is a week-long residential camp for Year 10 to 12 students with the opportunity to explore what engineering and university has to offer. The camp helps students break down barriers to higher education due to cultural, geographic or financial difficulties.
STEM Professionals in Schools Program
We’re currently participating in the CSIRO's STEM Professionals in School program. If you are a teacher interested in linking your class with an astronomer, please contact Genevieve Lazzari on SchoolPrograms@swinburne.edu.au.
Design workshops
We offer a range of hands-on design workshops for secondary school students through Swinburne’s Factory of the Future. These immersive learning sessions help participants identify design problems and develop real-world design solutions through prototyping, design thinking and innovation.
To find out more, or book a session, please contact our undergraduate team at ugteam@swinburne.edu.au.
Contact us
For more information on our school programs, please email SchoolPrograms@swinburne.edu.au.