Part 1. Preliminary

1. Objectives

The objective of these Regulations is to make provision for conferral of titles on persons who are associated with the University in a substantial way, including persons who are not employed or appointed to established or recurrent positions.

2. Authorising provision

These Regulations are made under the Academic and Student Affairs Statute 2012 and sections 28, 29 and 30 of the Swinburne University of Technology Act 2010.

3. Definitions

In these Regulations—

Committee means the Conferral Committee established under the Honorary Degrees Regulation 2012.

Part 2. Titles

Division 1. Honorary Professor

4. Conferral of title

1. The Council, on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor, may confer the title of Honorary Professor on—

a. a professor of another university who is engaged in teaching or research activities closely related to an academic area of the University;

b. a person of eminence in a particular academic field; or

c. a person who has achieved national or international eminence in industry, research, management, leadership or educational field of subst

2. The recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor must be made using a Request for Conferral of Professor Emeritus or Honorary Professor form.

3. The form must specify the term for which the person is to hold the title and the terms and conditions applying to the recommended conferral.

5. Rights, honours, privileges and obligations

A person conferred with the title Honorary Professor under regulation 4 shall be accorded—

a. the rank of a professor of the University on all occasions and for University ceremonial purposes; and

b. such other rights, honours, privileges and obligations as the Council may determine.

6. Duration of title

1. A person who is conferred with the title of Honorary Professor holds the title for the period and on any terms and conditions specified in the Request for Conferral of Professor Emeritus or Honorary Professor form. 

2. The Council may renew the term.

3. The Council may, at any time, rescind the title.

7. Honorary Professor not a member of the Academic Senate

An Honorary Professor is not a member of the Academic Senate or any of its committees (unless he or she is a member in another capacity).

8. Honorary Professor not an employee of the University

1. An Honorary Professor is not, by reason of being an Honorary Professor—

a. an employee of the University; or

b. entitled to remuneration.

2. However, an Honorary Professor may, in another capacity, be employed by the University other than in an established or recurrent position.

Division 2. Professor Emeritus

9. Conferral of title

The Council, on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor and the Committee, may confer the title of Professor Emeritus on former professors of the University who have rendered distinguished academic service to the University.

10. Nomination procedure

1. A nomination for the conferment of the title Professor Emeritus may be made by—

a. a head of a Division or faculty; or

b. a member of the professoriate of the University.

2. Nominations must be made using a Request for Conferral of Professor Emeritus or Honorary Professor form and submitted to the Vice-Chancellor.

11. Consideration by the Committee

1. The Vice-Chancellor must refer nominations to the Committee for its consideration.

2. The Committee must consider—

a. the degree of distinction of the professor’s intellectual and scholarly contributions to the University;

b. other forms of service by the professor to the University; and

c. the period of time during which the contributions were made and the services rendered, including contributions and service at all levels (and not only while the nominee has been, or was, a professor of the University).

3. The Committee may seek further and supporting information about the nomination from the person making the nomination or from other persons.

12. Recommendation to the Council

1. If the Committee approves a nomination, it may recommend to the Council that the nomination be approved.

2. A recommendation to the Council must be accompanied by a citation detailing the distinguished academic service of the nominee.

13. Approval by the Council

If the Council approves a nomination, the Vice-Chancellor must ascertain whether the nominee is willing to receive the award.

14. Status of Professor Emeritus

1. For all purposes of courtesy and on ceremonial occasions, a Professor Emeritus must be regarded as a professor of the University.

2. However, a Professor Emeritus is not, by reason of the office of Professor Emeritus, a member of the Academic Senate, a Division or a faculty.

15. Duration of appointment

1. A person on who is conferred with the title of Professor Emeritus holds the title for the term stated in the letter of invitation, which may be in perpetuity. 

2. The Council may renew the term. 

3. The Council may, at any time, rescind the title.

16. Professor Emeritus not an employee of the University

1. A Professor Emeritus is not, by reason of being a Professor Emeritus—

a. an employee of the University; or

b. entitled to remuneration.

2. However, a Professor Emeritus may, in another capacity, be employed by the University other than in an established or recurrent position. 

Division 3. Vice-Chancellor's Fellow

17. Conferral of title

The Council, on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor, may confer the title of Vice-Chancellor's Fellow, on high profile public individuals who are able to act as strong advocates for the university in both the community and the industry.

18. Recommendation to the Council

A recommendation to the Council must be accompanied by a citation detailing the service and achievements of the individual.

19. Consideration by Council

The Council must consider - 

a. the degree of distinction of the individual's contribution to the community and industry;

b. other forms of service by the individual; and

c. the period of time during which the contributions were made and the services rendered, including contributions and service at all levels.

20. Approval by the Council

If the Council approves a nomination, the Vice-Chancellor must ascertain whether the nominee is willing to receive the award.

21. Duration of Appointment

1. A person who is conferred with the title of Vice-Chancellor's Fellow holds the title for the term stated in the letter of invitation, which may be in perpetuity.

2. The Council may renew the term.

3. The Council may, at any time, rescind the title.

22. Vice-Chancellor's Fellow not an employee of the University

1. A Vice-Chancellor's Fellow is not, by reason of being a Vice-Chancellor's Fellow

a. an employee of the university; or

b. entitled to a renumeration.

2. However, a Vice-Chancellor's Fellow may, in another capacity, be employed by the University other than in an established or recurrent position.

Division 4. Chancellor's Fellow

23. Conferral of title

1. The Council, on the recommendation of the Chancellor, may confer the title of Chancellor's Fellow, upon outgoing or retired external Council members in recognition of their service and contribution to the University.

2. An external Council member is a Council member who is an external appointee and is not an ex officio or elected member of Council.

24. Recommendation to the Council

A recommendation to the Council must be accompanied by a citation detailing the service and contributions of the Council member.

25. Consideration by Council

The Council must consider

a. the degree of distinction of the Council member's contribution to the University;

b. other forms of service by the Council member; and

c. the period of time during which the contributions were made and the services rendered.

26. Approval by the Council

If the Council approves a nomination, the Chancellor must ascertain whether the nominee is willing to receive the award.

27. Duration of Appointment

1. A person who is conferred with the title of Chancellor's Fellow holds the title for the term stated in the letter of invitation, which may be in perpetuity.

2. The Council may renew the term.

3. The Council may, at any time, rescind the title.

28. Chancellor's Fellow not an employee of the University

1. A Chancellor’s Fellow is not, by reason of being a Chancellor’s Fellow

a. an employee of the University; or

b. entitled to remuneration 

2. However, a Chancellor’s Fellow may, in another capacity, be employed by the University other than in an established or recurrent position.

Division 5. Other titles

29. Vice-Chancellor may confer other titles

The Vice-Chancellor may confer other titles other than Honourary Professor and Professor Emeritus in accordance with the University's policies and procedures.

Part 3. Administration

30. Confidentiality

1. All persons associated with the nomination and approval process for conferral of the title of Professor Emeritus must treat the matter in confidence.

2. Nominations for conferral of the title of Professor Emeritus must be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor without the knowledge of the nominated person. 

3. The person nominated for conferral of the title of Professor Emeritus must not be notified until the nomination has been approved by the Council. 

4. The Council may confer the title of Professor Emeritus not withstanding the fact that the nominee has become aware of the nomination prior to approval by Council.

Part 4. Miscellaneous

31. Revocation

Regulation 18 – Titles for People Associated with the University is revoked.

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