
This policy describes the requirements and principles governing academic partnerships entered into by Swinburne. 


This policy aims to:

  • provide a framework to guide decisions regarding the development, approvals and management of Swinburne’s academic partnerships
  • set clear responsibilities and accountabilities for approvals and management of academic partnerships
  • ensure that academic partnerships are aligned with University strategy and maintain Swinburne’s standards for quality and integrity of outcomes.


This policy applies to formal arrangements with domestic and international partners involving award and non-award courses offered by Swinburne, including:

  • coursework partnerships such as joint, dual, TNE, licensing and collaborative arrangements
  • research training partnerships such as partnered, joint or double PhDs
  • third party arrangements for training services associated with Training Package qualifications and VET accredited courses offered by Swinburne.


This policy does not apply to:

  • commercial activity that does not involve a Swinburne award or non-award course.
  • research partnerships involving individual research projects, research funding or researcher collaborations.
  • articulation and credit recognition arrangements
  • student and staff mobility arrangements.

1. Academic Partnership Principles

When developing and approving academic partnerships the University is guided by the principles of:

  • academic partnerships that align with the strategic directions of the University
  • maintenance of the quality standards of the University
  • equivalence of curriculum, assessment and course learning outcomes (in accordance with Academic Courses Regulation 40)
  • desirability of:
    • strong and long-term relationships with academic partners
    • broad partnerships that encompass multiple activities, such as coursework programs, research training, student and staff mobility and articulation
    • partnerships that enhance the domestic and international reputation of the University.
  • financially sustainable academic partnerships with due consideration of business risk
  • compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements in all relevant jurisdictions, including the Higher Education Standards Framework (HESF) and Standards for Registered Training Organisations
  • regular evidence-based review, benchmarking and continuous improvement.

2. Types of Academic Partnerships

The University may enter into a range of types of academic partnerships, including:

  • joint, twin or dual award arrangements
  • transnational delivery of courses
  • licensing agreements
  • research training partnerships, including partnered, joint or double arrangements
  • third party arrangements involving training services associated with Training Package qualifications and VET accredited courses within Swinburne’s scope of registration.

Roles and Responsibilities (VC delegation)

Role/Decision/Action Responsibility* Conditions and limitations
Determination of definitions and structures for types of academic partnerships Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Must be consistent with the above, and in conjunction with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) for any international partnerships

*(Staff holding, acting in or performing the responsible position or office)

3. Development, Approval and Renewal of Academic Partnerships

Note: This section does not apply to academic partnerships involving training services associated with Training Package qualifications and VET accredited courses within Swinburne’s scope of registration.

The University will determine:

  • processes for the development, approval and renewal of proposals for each type of academic partnership
  • guidelines for strategic alignment and partner suitability for academic partnerships.

Decision making considerations

When making decisions on the approval or renewal of an academic partnership, the University will consider:

When making decisions on the approval or renewal of delivery of a course through an academic partnership, the Academic Senate will be assured of compliance with the HESF and other relevant regulatory requirements and consider:

  • the capability and capacity of the partner to deliver the course to achieve the same learning outcomes as when or if the course is offered directly by the University
  • the practicality of course closure and teach out arrangements.

Agreements must be executed in accordance with the delegations and guidelines set by Council.

Major changes to academic partnership arrangements require the same approvals processes and decision-making considerations as new partnerships. Major changes include:

  • the addition of other Swinburne awards to the partnership
  • the addition of new delivery locations
  • changes to the partner organisation that affect their ability to achieve the same learning outcomes
  • changes to the partner organisation that affect their ability to maintain the partner suitability requirements.

Major changes may require the development of a transition plan for current students.

Renewals of academic partnership arrangements require the same approvals processes and decision-making considerations as for new arrangements. Applications for renewals must consider the academic quality, equivalency, regulatory compliance, strategic alignment and financial performance.

Roles and Responsibilities (VC delegation)

Role/Decision/Action Responsibility* Conditions and limitations
Determination of processes for development, approval and renewal of academic partnerships (staff login) Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Must be in conjunction with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) for any international partnership processes.
Determination of guidelines for strategic requirements and partnership suitability for domestic and international partnerships Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Must be consistent with the above, and in conjunction with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) for any international partnerships.
Endorsement prior to Academic Senate approval of proposals for new or renewal of academic partnerships. Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Must be consistent with the above, and in conjunction with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) for any international partnerships.
Subject to the University’s Financial and Document Signing Delegations

*(Staff holding, acting in or performing the responsible position or office)

4. Monitoring and Review of Academic Partnerships

Note: This section does not apply to academic partnerships involving training services associated with Training Package qualifications and VET accredited courses within Swinburne’s scope of registration.

The University will determine processes for the monitoring and review of the quality, equivalency, regulatory compliance, strategic alignment and financial viability of academic partnership arrangements.

A regular report will be provided to Academic Senate on the academic quality, equivalency and regulatory compliance of academic partnership arrangements that involve a Swinburne accredited course.

Roles and Responsibilities (VC delegation)

Role/Decision/Action Responsibility* Conditions and limitations
Determination of processes for the review of the strategic alignment, financial sustainability and regulatory compliance of academic partnerships Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor  
Determination of processes for the review of the academic quality, equivalency and regulatory compliance of academic partnerships (staff login) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Quality) Must be consistent with the above. A regular report must be provided to Academic Senate

*(Staff holding, acting in or performing the responsible position or office)

5. Termination of Academic Partnerships

Termination of an academic partnership arrangement must be carried out in a manner that ensures Swinburne’s interests are protected, including the interests of Swinburne students.

The University will determine process and accountabilities in relation to the termination of academic partnership arrangements.

When making decisions on the termination of an academic partnership, the University will consider:

  • teach out responsibilities to students
  • legal, financial and reputational implications
  • other areas of Swinburne involved in the partnership
  • compliance with relevant regulatory and legislative requirements.

Academic Senate must be notified of academic partnerships that have been terminated and approve teach out arrangements for remaining students as per the requirements of Courses and Awards Policy (Section 7.1).

Roles and Responsibilities (VC delegation)

Role/Decision/Action Responsibility* Conditions and limitations
Determination of definitions and structures for types of academic partnerships Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Must be consistent with the above, and in conjunction with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) for any international partnerships
Termination of academic partnerships Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Must be consistent with the above, and must be noted at Academic Senate

*(Staff holding, acting in or performing the responsible position or office)

6. VE Third Party Arrangements

This section applies to academic partnerships involving training services associated with Training Package qualifications and VET accredited courses within Swinburne’s scope of registration. A VE third party arrangement is a legal arrangement between Swinburne and third party for the provision and/or sharing of training and/or assessment services. A third party may include a school, enterprise, industry body, professional association, registered business and independent contractor.

The University will determine:

  • processes and accountabilities for the approval and management of VE third party arrangements.

When making decisions on the approval of VE third party arrangements, the University will consider:

  • the Academic Partnership Principles listed in Section 1
  • the University’s Contract Management Framework (staff login) and due diligence requirements
  • the capability and capacity of the partner to deliver the training and/or assessment services in accordance with:
    • Swinburne administrative and quality requirements.
    • Relevant funding, regulatory and legislative requirements and standards
  • the practicality of termination and teach out arrangements.

Agreements must be executed in accordance with the delegations and guidelines set by Council.

The University and Academic Senate must monitor the quality and regulatory compliance of training and/or assessment services that are delivered through third party arrangements. 

Variation and renewal of a VE third party arrangement must be carried out after first reviewing the quality and performance of the existing partnership, and ensuring Swinburne meets its regulatory requirements, and that its interests are protected, including the interests of Swinburne students.

Termination of a VE third party arrangement must be carried out in a manner that ensures Swinburne meets its regulatory requirements and that its interests are protected, including the interests of Swinburne students.

Roles and Responsibilities (VC delegation)

Role/Decision/Action Responsibility*
Conditions and limitations
Determination of accountabilities and processes for approval and management of VE third party arrangements Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Must be consistent with the above
Approval of VE third party arrangements Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Must be consistent with the above and in conjunction with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) for any international arrangements.
Must be noted by Academic Senate.
Subject to the University’s Financial and Document Signing Delegations
Monitoring of the quality and regulatory compliance VE third party arrangements Pro Vice-Chancellor (VET) A regular report must be provided to Academic Senate

*(Staff holding, acting in or performing the responsible position or office)

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