Our structure
Understand the structure of our organisation and learn how different parts of our university work together towards common goals.
More than 100 years ago Swinburne opened its doors with a simple premise in mind: to provide education to a section of society otherwise denied further education. Over a century later, we continue to persevere in our commitment to not only provide but transform education, through strong industry engagement, social inclusion, a desire to innovate and above all, a determination to create positive change. To fully realise our vision we are building our capability and investing in our people, processes and systems.
Organisational structure
Find out about Swinburne's organisational structure and view our organisational chart.
Leadership and governance
Swinburne maintains a consistent vision and a focus on core principles through appropriate governance by its Council and Academic Senate. Discover how our executive team of leaders are driving the organisation towards success.
Elections here at Swinburne University of Technology are held online, usually in the third quarter of each academic year.
Explore more about Swinburne
Our university
Swinburne is a large and culturally diverse organisation with a desire to innovate and bring about positive change. As a result, our institution is growing and evolving each year.
Strategies and initiatives
Our initiatives focus on bringing people and technology together for a better world.
Policies and regulations
View information on Swinburne's policies, regulations and statutes.