Want to gain professional experience?

This seminar is designed specifically for international students to prepare for their future career with the help of Swinburne's International Career Consultant.

Discover tips on how to gain professional experience relevant to your studies through:

  • Swinburne's Work Integrated Learning options (professional placements, internships, industry projects)
  • volunteering
  • employment
  • start-up scene

You will also get insights into workplace rights and responsibilities.

Simply register through SwinEmploy using your student ID and password.

If you have any question, please email employability@swinburne.edu.au

About Swinburne's International Student Job Club

The International Student Job Club is a series of events that aim to provide career and employment insights delivered in a friendly and supportive environment. Each session focuses on a different topic with an opportunity to ask questions.

It is facilitated by our International Career Consultant Olivia Doyle. She is regularly joined by guest speakers including industry representatives, recruiters, graduates and current students who share their insights and experiences.

Unable to attend in person?

This session will also be delivered online via Zoom.

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Need further help?

We have careers and employment resources for international students.

Start exploring

Explore other international student events

  • Four international students working together on a project using a laptop in a lecture theatre

    International students: Preparing for graduate job search

    Register now (International students: Preparing for graduate job search)