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Entangling Laser Beams -
Present Results and Future Ideas

Professor Hans Bachor

ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics,
The Australian National University, Canberra

11:30 am Thursday, 22 May 2008, EN101 (Ground Floor, EN Building), Hawthorn.

Even the best conventional laser beams cannot be identical; they have independent quantum noise, not only their intensity but also their position will fluctuate. Using the technique of squeezing we can generate pairs of entangled beams, where we can predict the properties of one beam from measurements of the other. This we have now achieved for the position and direction of the beam. I will discuss different criteria to determine the quality of this entanglement, and how they apply to future applications, including quantum logic and teleportation of information. I will give an outlook how spatial modes can lead us to even more useful multimode entanglement that is useful for quantum logic.

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